tokugawa yoshimune 中文意思是什麼

tokugawa yoshimune 解釋
  1. The temple was formerly called chofukuji but changed to kannonji in 1716 because the name " chofuku " was the same as the oldest son of the then shogun yoshimune tokugawa, chofukumaru

    享保元年( 1716 )因為與德川吉宗的長子長福丸同名,所以就以擔心諸多為由改稱為觀音寺。
  2. Started with 100 trees that were planted by the eighth tokugawa shogun tokugawa yoshimune in 1717, the " bokutei - no sakura " has grown into the splendid lines of nearly 1, 000 cherry trees along the sumida river. the area becomes busy with a number of street stands and visitors during the hanami season

    享保2年( 1717 )德川吉宗命令栽種的「墨堤的櫻花」開始有櫻花100棵,現在已近1000餘棵,每年一到賞花季節,就有很多擺攤的和逛街的,熱鬧不已。