tourette 中文意思是什麼

tourette 解釋
  1. Like she got tourette ' s or somethin '. - i don ' t know

  2. Report of 18 cases of tourette ' s diseases treated by strengthening the kidney, balancing the liver, calming the wind and resolving. phlegm

  3. Value of topiramate in treating tourette syndrome

  4. Studies of intelligence level in tourette syndrome patients

  5. There exists deficit of executive control in schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive - compulsive disorder ; tourette syndrome, conduct disorder, anti - social personality disorder and so on. in a word, the pfc is very important when behavior must be guided by internal states or intentions

    近年來神經成像技術日漸增多,研究顯示腦能量代謝的各個環節均與心理過程密切相關,猴在執行go / nogo任務過程中,主溝、前後額極和頂-枕皮層都有明顯的區域性腦血流( rcbf )增加,說明這些腦區參與了go / nogo任務。
  6. Clinical observation on acupuncture for treatment of tourette ' s syndrome

  7. Observations on the curative effect of acupuncture on child tourette ' s syndrome

  8. Treatment of 25 cases of child gilles de la tourette ' s syndrome by combined scalp and body acupuncture

  9. A comparative study on cognitive function and self - concept in children with tourette syndrome

  10. A study of explicit memory and implicit memory on tourette syndrome patients

  11. " kids with mild tics are at a higher risk for developing future school problems. this is a way of identifying children ahead of time so they can be monitored - a clue to how the child ' s brain is organized " says lead study author dr. roger kurlan director of the tourette ' s syndrome clinic and the cognitive and behavioral neurology clinic at the university of rochester in new york

    本研究第一作者紐約羅切斯特大學圖雷特氏綜合癥診所和認知及行為神經學診所的所長roger kurlan博士說: 「有輕微抽搐的孩子將來發展成學習問題的危險很高,這樣可以提前診斷這些孩子,及早監測他們,這也提供了一個幫助了解孩子的腦組成的線索。 」
  12. - like she got tourette ' s or somethin '. - i don ' t know

  13. Application of etiologic fraction in study of risk factors of tourette syndrome

  14. A study of the explicit and implicit memory on tourette ' s syndrome using process dissociation procedure

  15. While most of us think of the typical tourette ' s patient as the rare eccentric who barks obscenities and jerks their arms wildly, a recent study says much more subtle symptoms of tourette ' s and related tic disorders are far more common than once thought

  16. While most of us think of the typical tourette ' s patient as the rare eccentric who barks obscenities and jerks their arms wildly a recent study says much more subtle symptoms of tourette ' s and related tic disorders are far more common than once thought

  17. " people including parents and doctors thought tourette ' s meant having severe symptoms but these cases are just the tip of the iceberg. the vast majority of cases have extremely mild cases " says kurlan

    說: 「包括父母和醫生在內的人,都以為圖特氏病的癥狀很嚴重,但這些嚴重的病例僅是冰山一角,大多數病例的癥狀極其輕微。 」