turn 中文意思是什麼

音標 [tə:n]
turn 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 1. 轉,轉動,旋轉,使轉彎;移動,撥動,觸動。
turn a wheel 轉動輪子。
turn the tap 擰塞子,旋龍頭。
He will not turn a finger to help. 他不會略費力氣幫一點忙。
2. 轉過去,繞過去;【軍事】迂迴(敵人側面)。
turn the corner 轉彎,拐彎兒。
3. 翻轉過來做(衣服等);翻(書頁);折(邊等);弄卷(刀口);挖翻(土地);倒轉,翻倒,倒置,顛倒;【印刷】倒植。
turn an old garment 翻做舊衣。
turn things upside down 顛倒是非,混淆黑白。
4. 轉向,朝向,指向;〈比喻〉集中(注意、努力等);用於,抵充(用途),利用;改變路線。
T- your face this way. 請把臉轉到這邊。
turn one's attention to business 把注意力集中到事務上。
turn the conversation to something else 把話岔到別的事情上。
5. 使變化,改變;使變成(…的狀態);(貨幣的)兌換;翻譯;使變質,使變壞;使(腦子)錯亂;使惡心。
turn English into Chinese 把英語譯成漢語。
Hot weather turns milk. 天熱會使牛奶變壞。
His head is turned. 他神經錯亂了。
Success has turned his head. 成功沖昏了他的頭腦。
turn sb. 's stomach 使人作嘔。
6. 用鏇床鏇;〈比喻〉做得好看(美觀、圓滿),弄得像樣;表現得好。
turn wooden vessels 用鏇床做木碗(等)。
He was perfectly well turned for trade. 他做生意最適宜。
turn a period well 圓滿地構造長句。
well-turned sentences 構造得精緻的句子。
7. 越過,超過(年齡、時刻等)。
He has just turned 50. 他剛過五十(歲)。
He is turned of boy. 他已經不是小孩子了。
It's just turned 3 o'clock. 剛過三點。
8. 趕走。
turn sb. out (from one's door) 把某人趕出去。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 轉,旋轉;打滾,折騰,翻騰;翻倒。
A wheel turns on its axis. 輪子在軸上旋轉。
turn in bed [in one's sleep] 睡眠中翻身。
2. 轉向;回頭;轉彎;彎曲;(刀刃)卷口;傾斜;注意。
T- to the left. 向左轉(彎)。
It is time to turn now. 現在該折回了。
3. 變;改變;(形勢)倒轉;變成…,變質;轉(業);(頭)暈;發惡心,想嘔。
The milk has turned (sour). 牛奶變酸了。
My stomach turns. 我直惡心。
4. (鏇床工藝)被鏇,做成。
5. 轉過身來做出反應;反抗。
n. 名詞 1. 旋轉(運動);轉身;(杠上運動的)小翻滾;(溜冰的)曲線轉折;改變方向,調轉方向;轉向,轉彎;【軍事】迂迴。
2. 彎曲;轉角,轉彎處,屈折部。
3. 變化,變動;機會;轉折點,關鍵。
4. 傾向,性情,癖性;氣質;特殊才能。
5. 一個回合;走一圈,散步;(惡意或善意的)行為。
6. 〈英國〉(雜技)演員。
7. 說法,口吻。
8. 輪流,輪班。
9. 形狀,樣子。
10. 一卷,一圈;線匝;圈數,匝數。
11. 吃驚,意外。
12. 〈pl. 〉 月經。
13. 【音樂】迴音;【印刷】(無本字時暫用的)倒頭鉛字;【機械工程】車床;(轉動把手而開關的)門扣。
14. 〈美俚〉(雜耍、廣播等的)一個節目。
15. 〈古語〉必要,需要。

  1. For quick truning to target of air - to - air missile ( aam ) for short range dogfight in large off - boresight it is necessary to study the agile turn control law

  2. Do you really mean to turn our home into an abomination

  3. Do you really mean to turn our home into an abomination.

    你真的想把我們的家變成怪獸. .
  4. And abracadabra, bodegas turn to fiine boutiques.

    那些普通商店變成了高檔商店. .
  5. Projection algorithm is presented as follows : first, characterize the reference image and the float image and turn into binary images ; then, project the binary images onto the abscissa and y - axis and get the projection vectors ; last, according to the elements of the vectors, the rotation and translation parameters were calculated separately

    投影法通過二值化參考圖象和浮動圖象,沿x軸、 y軸投影得到投影向量,然後根據投影向量元素的大小和位置,分別檢測圖象間旋轉、平移運動的大小。
  6. It makes a turn, comes down abu baku, where we were today

  7. She is always shown an academic turn of mind.

  8. Check the accelerograph handle termly, and find out if the clutch handle can turn flexibly

  9. As the biggest building management branch in xi ' an, from 1998, according to " market turning, profession turn, acculturating, norm turning " with the basic target and direction, a series trying from government to enterprise gradually were engaged. at last we choose the property management as the main direction in changing system

  10. His subsequent film roles included the first husband of goldie hawn in private benjamin ( 1980 ), dudley moore ' s cuckolded manager in unfaithfully yours ( 1984 ), and, best of all, his oscar - nominated turn as the acerbic tv journalist aaron altman in broadcast news ( 1987 )

    他隨后的電影角色包括《傻妹從軍》 ( 1980年)中戈爾迪?霍恩的第一任丈夫、 《醋海風波》 ( 1984年)中達德利?穆爾戴綠帽子的經理,而最出色的則是在《富貴浮雲》 ( 1987年)中扮演的尖刻的電視記者艾倫?奧爾特曼,這為他贏得了一項奧斯卡提名。
  11. The executives decided to turn over this company to mr. ackerman.

  12. The star turn in our show tonight will be a group of chinese acrobats.

  13. A woman who knows how to turn a dolla into a million dollars overnight might be said to have a lot of business acumen

  14. C turn on the exit - valve adagio, regulate to capability - point it need, try to turn on the pump - set for 510minute, devotion to turning without unwonted phenomenon

  15. He got home pretty late that night, and when he climbed cautiously in at the window, he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt ; and when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness

  16. It needs adjudgement even if there ' s quisling, and it ' s not your turn to kill with your dao

  17. Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads, and left the inn, hinting, that if gile gosling wished to continue to thrive, he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again.

  18. Our tenacy in the aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out.

  19. Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath

  20. Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away anger

    箴29 : 8褻慢人煽惑通城智慧人止息眾怒。