tyrell 中文意思是什麼

tyrell 解釋
  1. How do you know ? he got the shit kicked out ofhim by tyrell freedmen

  2. Hey tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. how ‘ s that horse of mine doing anyway

  3. This month saw claire tyrell and cat thomas really fill their guts filling out this month s dining coverage

    這個月claire tyrell和cat thomas可是卯起來拚命吃。
  4. Engineer david tyrell says everything went smoothly - for a train wreck. " in this test all these wheels stayed on the track. everything remained in line. the track is fine.

    工程師大衛提爾說火車失事一事進展得非常順利. "在測試中,所有的這些輪子都在軌道上,所有的東西都有秩序地擺放好了,軌道也沒問題