undisturbed 中文意思是什麼

undisturbed 解釋
adj. 形容詞 沒有受到攪亂[干擾、妨礙]的;鎮靜的;泰然自若的。

  1. In undisturbed inertial motion, the angular momentum is constant.

  2. Owing to the extraordinary apathy of the inhabitants, the brigands were able to carry out their depredations undisturbed.

  3. In the heart of assam, this park is one of the last areas in eastern india undisturbed by a human presence

  4. The atomic number represents the number of nuclear protons or, in the undisturbed state, the number of extranuclear electrons.

  5. Mr. lorry was expected back presently from the banking house. miss pross had lighted the lamp, but had put it aside in a corner, that they might enjoy the fire - light undisturbed

  6. This giant pressure cooker may lie undisturbed.

  7. "we have but little occasion to be alarmed, " continued the undisturbed cora.

  8. They live as we all should live--undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet.

  9. Although the famed napoleon diamond was undisturbed

  10. "can this be so?" cried goodman brown, with a stare of amazement at his undisturbed companion.

  11. She immured herself in her study to work undisturbed

  12. He immure himself in a small room to work undisturbed

  13. There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the european community, jean monnet.

  14. The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity

  15. Fresh fingerling which grows up naturally in the undisturbed china ' s southwest plateau lakes spiced with hot pepper makes this sauce a real green food which you can never forget

  16. Within the space of a mile from its outskirts every irregularity of the soil was prehistoric, every channel an undisturbed british trackway ; not a sod having been turned there since the days of the czars

  17. They picked up critters from as deep as 6km, and they did so using both typical trawling nets and a special box that was designed to scoop up a slab of ocean floor along with a slice of undisturbed water from immediately above it

  18. There, and anywhere else you can be with your thoughts undisturbed, you ' ll find that ideas bubble to the surface almost unbidden

  19. His rest had been deep and undisturbed.

  20. You can lead a life of undisturbed peace ever afterwards.
