unforgotten 中文意思是什麼

unforgotten 解釋
  1. What shall assuage the unforgotten pain / and teach the unforgetful to forget ( dante gabriel rossetti

    什麼會撫慰不能忘卻的痛苦/並且讓無法忘懷的人學會遺忘? (但丁?加布利亞爾?羅塞蒂) 。
  2. You too, my mother, read my rhymes for love of unforgotten times, and you may chance to hear once more the little feet along the floor

  3. So let us at the beginning of the passion of christ examine our hearts fully and see if there is any unforgiven hurt, any unforgotten bitterness

  4. Unforgotten feeling of bayu, heartied with chongqing people

  5. An old chinese man in the sun has been through the bitter days. recalling is for the unforgotten

  6. But there is still the ruined wall, and, near it, the stealthy tread of the foe that would win over again his unforgotten triumph

  7. Fauchery motioned to him that they were overheard and must respect the conventions here. the door had just been opened anew, and an old lady had come in, followed by a young man in whom the journalist recognized the truant schoolboy, perpetrator of the famous and as yet unforgotten " tres chic " of the blonde venus first night

    這時,客廳的門又打開了,進來一位老太太,身後邊跟著一個小夥子,從他身上,新聞記者認出他就是那個逃學的中學生,在演金發愛神的那天晚上,他大喊了一聲「妙極啦! 」 ,至今人們還傳為佳話呢。