unix shell 中文意思是什麼

unix shell 解釋
  • unix : n. 【商標】【計算機】 Unix (電腦)操作系統。
  • shell : n (pl shells 2 義為 shell)1 殼;介殼;甲殼;貝。2 (昆蟲的)翅鞘;蛹的蛻皮。3 【解剖學】種子的...
  1. I also hark back to my programmer days when i spent many hours with unix shell scripts

    我也很難回到作為程序員每天花費幾個小時在unix shell腳本上的時光了。
  2. This article takes a look at a little shell application that uses an innovative approach to increasing open unix security

    本文要看一下使用一種新方法提高開放式unix安全性的小外殼( shell )應用程序。
  3. Most developers and users of linux come into contact with a unix shell sooner or later

    大多數linux的開發人員和用戶都或早或晚地接觸過unix shell 。
  4. Services for unix provides file sharing, remote access and administration, password synchronization, common directory management, a common set of utilities, and a shell

  5. Db2 udb dpf instances on unix require a remote shell utility to execute commands on remote nodes in the instance

    Unix上的db2 udb dpf實例需要一個遠程shell實用程序來在實例中的遠程節點上執行命令。
  6. It is also easier to work with it than if you develop an application to run windows applications with unix shell scripts, or if you migrate unix applications into a windows platform to get connected to external web services

    同樣,如果您正在開發應用程序,使用unix shell腳本來運行window應用程序,或者如果您將unix應用程序移植到window平臺下來鏈接到外部web服務,使用它也非常容易。
  7. Text - editing software has to cope with a western european legacy written into the very structure of old - style unix file systems, let alone terminal emulators or shell scripting languages

  8. On unix machines, the goal of the attacker is to get an interactive shell. this means typical attack code usually attempts to fire up

  9. Improving your interactive unix shell experience

    提高互動式unix shell的體驗
  10. Is just the unix shell prompt, much like the

    就是unix shell提示符,它非常象windows系統上的
  11. Gridshell contains a variety of extensions that enable grid capabilities through the unix shell

    Gridshell包含了很多擴展,它們可以通過unix shell來啟用網格功能。
  12. Even if you only use the features covered in this article, i hope you ll find the unix shell environment a slightly friendlier place to be.

    即使您僅使用了本文所涉及的一些功能,我希望您能夠體會到unix shell環境的友好之處
  13. It can be awkward for the application to step outside of its unix shell if it needs to make win32 calls to get more power from windows nt and windows 2000

    應用程序在需要發出win32調用以從windows nt和windows 2000中獲得更多功能時,很難移出它的unix外殼。
  14. It investigates semantic extensions to tcsh and bash to transparently incorporate useful distributed and grid computing concepts into the unix shell login environment

    它對tcsh和bash的語義進行了一些擴展,從而可以透明地將有用的分散式和網格計算的概念集成到unix shell的登錄環境中。
  15. The syntax used to read data from a stream and create pipes is similar in all unix shells the author uses the syntax of bash - the gnu bourne - again shell, but the examples presented in this article should be portable to other environments without changes

    在所有unix shell中,從某個流中讀取數據以及創建管道的語法都類似(盡管作者使用bash語法gnu bourne - again shell ,但本文中的示例不經修改就可移植到其它環境中) 。