unpleasantly 中文意思是什麼

unpleasantly 解釋
  1. His forehead is capacious and high, but square and heavy and unpleasantly shining.

  2. Speranskys high voice struck him unpleasantly, and his continual laugh in its high - pitched, falsetto note was for some reason an offence to prince andreys feelings

  3. The green hat stares out unpleasantly.

  4. Our plain manner of living, our small rooms, and few domestics, and the little we see of the world, must make hunsford extremely dull to a young lady like yourself ; but i hope you will believe us grateful for the condescension, and that we have done every thing in our power to prevent your spending your time unpleasantly.

    我們生活清苦,居處局促,侍僕寥寥無幾,再加我們見識淺薄,象你這樣一位年輕小姐,一定會覺得漢斯福這地方極其枯燥乏味,不過我們對於你這次賞臉,實在感激萬分,並且竭盡綿薄,使你不至於過得興味索然,希望你能鑒諒。 」
  5. The conversation was taken up again, and no longer in the unpleasantly hostile tone in which nikolays last words had been spoken

  6. Perhaps it was as well that they could not be present. they were not worldly young fellows, but fraternizing with dairy - folk would have struck unpleasantly upon their biassed niceness, apart from their views of the match

  7. Burns, you poke your chin most unpleasantly ; draw it in

    「彭斯,你伸著下巴,多難看,把它收回去。 」
  8. This is critical to avoid being unpleasantly surprised later

  9. Prince andrey laughed unpleasantly, again recalling his father

  10. " in that case your son would be very unpleasantly situated.

    「倘若如此,您那個孩子的處境可就非常不樂觀了。 」
  11. In the holiday season one finds the trains unpleasantly full of people

  12. And to her it seemed that the angle of his jaw had changed ; its pitch had become unpleasantly aggressive

  13. Do not force the sound louder than it wishes to vibrate, otherwise it will rattle unpleasantly

  14. No. i have no wish to travel with someone who does not want my company. too often such arrangements end. . unpleasantly

    不,我不想和不需要我陪伴的夥伴同行。這樣的事情通常都… …沒有善終。
  15. On the left was watera broad river ; on the right, entrance steps. at the entrance were people, servants, and a rosy - faced girl with a thick coil of black hair, who smiled at her in an unpleasantly affected way, as it seemed to princess marya it was sonya
