unprotect 中文意思是什麼

unprotect 解釋
  1. To unhide a hidden formula, simply unprotect the worksheet containing the formula

  2. To unprotect a worksheet

  3. Demonstrates the use of the unprotect method to remove protection from an excel 2003 worksheet

    演示如何使用unprotect方法移除對excel 2003工作表的保護。
  4. Describes how to protect data in an office document from being revised as well as how to unprotect certain portions of the document

  5. The sample tool protects the entire document and then enables you to unprotect any or all bookmarks, form fields and xml nodes that are in the document

  6. Any process running on the computer can unprotect data, and it is recommended that you restrict access to encrypted data using an access control list

    ,計算機上運行的任何進程都不會保護數據。因此,建議您使用訪問控制列表( acl )對加密數據的訪問進行限制。
  7. Provides a tool that protects the entire document and then enables you to unprotect any or all bookmarks, form fields, and xml nodes that are in the document

  8. Methods allow you to protect a microsoft office excel 2003 workbook so that users cannot add or delete worksheets, and to unprotect the workbook again

    方法,可對microsoft office excel 2003工作簿提供保護,使用戶無法添加或刪除工作表,並且還可以再取消對工作簿的保護。
  9. Shows how you can use the protect and unprotect methods to protect a workbook so that users cannot add or delete worksheets, and to unprotect the workbook again

  10. Demonstrates how to create and use a sample tool that protects an entire document and then enables you to unprotect any or all bookmarks, form fields and xml nodes that are in the document
