vilna 中文意思是什麼

vilna 解釋
n. 名詞 = Vilnius.
  1. From orsha they fled on along the road to vilna, still playing the same game of blindman with the pursuing army

  2. The russian expedition cost france itself less than fifty thousand men. the russian army in the retreat from vilna to moscow in the different battles lost four times as many men as the french army. the fire in moscow cost the lives of one hundred thousand russians, dead of cold and want in the woods ; lastly, in its march from moscow to the oder, the russian army, too, suffered from the inclemency of the season : it only reckoned fifty thousand men on reaching vilna, and less than eighteen thousand at kalisch

    對俄國的遠征,其實法國的損失不到五萬人俄軍從維爾納撤退到莫斯科,以及在各次戰斗中,損失比法軍多三倍莫斯科的大火使十萬俄國人喪生,他們由於森林里寒冷和物資匱乏而死亡最後,在由莫斯科至奧德河的進軍中,俄軍也受到嚴酷季節之苦在抵達維爾納時,它只剩下五萬人了,到了長利什,就不到一萬八千人了。 」
  3. Four days before sentinels of the preobrazhensky regiment had been on guard before the very house to which balashov was conducted. now two french grenadiers were on duty before it, wearing fur caps and blue uniforms open over the breast, while an escort of hussars and uhlans, and a brilliant suite of adjutants, pages, and generals were waiting for napoleon to come out, forming a group round his saddle - horse at the steps and his mameluke, rustan. napoleon received balashov in the very house in vilna from which alexander had despatched him

  4. In vilna she had formed a liaison with a young foreign prince

  5. We have abandoned vilna, and abandoned vitebsk, and we are abandoning the drissa too

  6. This party had urged an advance from vilna into poland regardless of all previous plans

  7. On the 29th of november, kutuzov reached vilnahis dear vilna, as he used to call it

  8. In opposition to the tsars wishes, kutuzov kept the greater part of the troops in vilna

  9. Ellen had accompanied the court on its return from vilna to petersburg, and there found herself in a difficult position

  10. The russian emperor had meanwhile been spending more than a month in vilna, holding reviews and inspecting manuvres

  11. The army had been compelled to retreat from vilna owing to various complex considerations of state, of policy, and tactics

  12. The longer the tsar stayed at vilna, the less ready was the russian army for the war, which it had grown weary of expecting

  13. One would have supposed that no great genius was needed with an army of double the strength to fall upon the russian forces and destroy them, to negotiate an advantageous peace ; or, in case of negotiations being refused, to make a menacing march upon petersburg, or even, in case of failure in this, to return to smolensk or to vilna, or to remain in moscow, to retain, in short, the brilliant position in which the french army now found themselves

  14. Tchitchagov was one of the generals most zealous in advocating attack and cutting off the enemys retreat ; he had at first suggested making a diversion in greece and then in warsaw, but was never willing to go where he was commanded to go. tchitchagov, who was notorious for the boldness of his remarks to the tsar, considered kutuzov was under an obligation to him, because when he had been sent in 1811 to conclude peace with turkey over kutuzovs head, and found on arriving that peace had already been concluded, he had frankly admitted to the tsar that the credit of having concluded peace belonged to kutuzov. this tchitchagov was the first to meet kutuzov at vilna, at the castles where the latter was to stay

  15. So little effect had this retort that napoleon indeed certainly saw nothing in it ; and he navely asked balashov through what towns the direct road from vilna to moscow passed. balashov, who had been all dinner - time on his guard, replied that as, according to the proverb, every road leads to rome, every road leads to moscow ; that there were very many roads, and among them was the road to

    于席間一直保持警惕的巴拉瑟夫這樣回答: comme tout chemin mne rome , tout chemin mne moscou ,路有許多條,在條條不同的路中間,都有一條查理十二所選擇的通往波爾塔瓦的大道,巴拉瑟夫說,這句俏皮的回答,使他不禁喜形於色,滿面通紅了。
  16. Count bennigsen, who had land in the vilna province, offered his house in the outskirts for this fte, and the 13th of june was the day fixed for a ball, a dinner, with a regatta and fireworks at zakreta, count bennigsens suburban house

  17. Here we have the first term of a progression, by which the remaining terms are determined with mathematical exactness. the french army went on melting away and disappearing in the same ratio from moscow to vyazma, from vyazma to smolensk, from smolensk to the berezina, from the berezina to vilna, apart from the greater or less degree of cold, the pursuit and barring of the way, and all other conditions taken separately

  18. For five weeks after this there is not a single battle. the french do not move. like a wild beast mortally wounded, bleeding and licking its wounds, for five weeks the french remain in moscow, attempting nothing ; and all at once, with nothing new to account for it, they flee back ; they make a dash for the kaluga road after a victory, too, for they remained in possession of the field of battle at maley yaroslavets ; and then, without a single serious engagement, fly more and more rapidly back to smolensk, to vilna, to the berezina, and beyond it

  19. Twice during his military career he had been governor of vilna. in that wealthy town, which had escaped injury, kutuzov found old friends and old associations, as well as the comforts of which he had been so long deprived

  20. All our manuvres are unnecessary ; that everything is being done of itself better than we could desire ; that we must give the enemy a golden bridge ; that the battles of tarutino, of vyazma, and of krasnoe, were none of them necessary ; that we must keep some men to reach the frontier with ; that he wouldnt give one russian for ten frenchmen. and he, this intriguing courtier, as we are told, who lied to araktcheev to propitiate the tsar, he alone dared to face the tsars displeasure by telling him at vilna that
