vmware 中文意思是什麼

vmware 解釋
  1. Vmware can host an operating system within a particular session, exercise an installation, then roll back all changes to their initial state

  2. Vmware allows developers to run many operating systems such as windows nt with dbcs support and test any web solution they develop from that platform

  3. Firstly, set up vmware with host - only networking, taking note of the vmware vmnet1 adaptor s ip address and netmask

  4. This tip is useful to linux developers who wish to use vmware and have token ring networks

  5. Here is our preliminary analysis of vmware

  6. The most widely supported i386 emulator is vmware

    支持最為廣泛的i386模擬器是vmware 。
  7. Use vmware to test your grid applications

  8. For the commercial product, let s take vmware as the example

  9. This works much like the commercial vmware does on x86 machines

    這非常像x86機器上商用的vmware 。
  10. Since vmware is a commercial product, it s not free

  11. I ve tested this on vmware 1 2 on the redhat 6. 1 system

  12. Vmware itself guest system not included requires a huge amount of memory

  13. This is unlike vmware which intercepts i o to hardware devices and emulates it

    這與vmware不同,後者截取訪問硬體設備的i / o並模擬它。
  14. Vmware, as predicted, is slower than colinux with a more or less one - minute difference

    正如所預期的那樣, vmware比colinux慢,相差一分鐘左右。
  15. Vmware workstation enables you to create and execute an operating system instance within the confines of a protected environment

  16. System requirements you will need a copy of vmware workstation, which is available from the main vmware web site at

  17. Vmware can achieve nearly the native speed by translating the virtual machine s instruction stream on the fly to the host machine, but since vmware itself runs in user space, this can cause problems

    通過實時地將虛擬機( vm )的指令流翻譯給宿主機器, vmware可以獲得接近本地的速度,但是由於vmware本身在用戶空間運行,這可能會引發問題。
  18. Using vmware in this way can also be a valid way of distributing and installing a grid across a network of machines, without affecting their operation, and, with a suitably powerful machine, of simulating an entire grid within the confines of just one or two machines

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  19. Greg lindley is the team lead for vmware esx product support within ibm and has been supporting the vmware product for the better part of two years

    Greg lindley是ibm vmware esx產品支持的負責人,他支持vmware產品已經有兩年的時間了。