wildcard 中文意思是什麼

wildcard 解釋
  1. You cannot use the asterisk wildcard character to select all columns from a table

    不能使用星號( * )通配符來選擇表中的所有列。
  2. If you have multiple changes to be listed but they all share the same type of change such as all being moved from one common directory to another then you can use the asterisk wildcard character

    如果要進行多次修改,但修改的類型相同(比如都是從一個公共目錄移動到其他目錄) ,那麼您可以使用星號通配字元。
  3. This wildcard tells the synth look and feel to give every component a default white aharoni font

    這個通配符告訴synth外觀為每個組件指定一個默認的white aharoni字體。
  4. Comparison of fixed - length fields. to resolve this problem, append a percentage wildcard character to the parameter value

    若要解決此問題,請在參數值後面追加一個百分號( " % " )通配符(即
  5. Support for wildcard characters is currently dependent on how each provider handles characters such as an asterisk, a percent symbol, or an underscore

    目前,對通配符的支持取決于每個提供程序如何處理以下字元:星號( * ) 、百分號( % )或下劃線( _ ) 。
  6. In other words, you can think of it as a wildcard in your schema

  7. Attribute contains the wildcard, this metadata specifies the path to the file, beginning at the location of the wildcard. for more information on wildcards, see

    屬性包含通配符* * ,則此元數據指定替換通配符以找到該項的目錄。
  8. This parameter can contain wildcard specifications

  9. Wildcard support is included based on the data source

  10. One or more of the specified wildcard characters is

  11. C. using a simple procedure with wildcard parameters

    C .使用帶有通配符參數的簡單過程
  12. The file or wildcard to include in the item

  13. The file or wildcard to exclude in the item

  14. All of the tools support wildcard matching

  15. And wildcard characters to find files on your hard disk

  16. For database wildcard search

  17. Likewise, a wildcard search on a partial user name could have the wildcard character appear at any point in the text string of the

  18. Normally, for sql - compliant data stores, you can perform a wildcard search on a partial path with the wildcard character appearing at the beginning, the end, or the middle of the search string text in the

    屬性中)開頭、結尾或中間的通配符對部分路徑執行通配符搜索。例如,若要查找以「 ~ / vdir 」開頭的所有路徑,應將
  19. Directive. wildcard characters are not supported

  20. Directive. wildcard selections are not supported
