wilmore 中文意思是什麼

wilmore 解釋
  1. Lord wilmore, having heard the door close after him, returned to his bedroom, where with one hand he pulled off his light hair, his red whiskers, his false jaw, and his wound, to resume the black hair, dark complexion, and pearly teeth of the count of monte cristo

  2. " you are completely mistaken, sir, " said monte cristo coldly, who felt the perfidious manoeuvre of the young man, and understood the bearing of his words ; " you only acquired my protection after the influence and fortune of your father had been ascertained ; for, after all, who procured for me, who had never seen either you or your illustrious father, the pleasure of your acquaintance ? - two of my good friends, lord wilmore and the abb

    「您完全弄錯了,閣下, 」基督山冷冷地說,他從青年的那種無賴態度上知道了他話里的意思, 「您是在我了解了令尊的權利和財產情況以後才獲得我的保護。我從來不曾見過您或您那顯赫的父親。歸根結蒂究竟是誰使我有幸認識你們的呢?
  3. Lord wilmore resided in rue fontaine - saint - george

  4. The visitor was introduced into the drawing - room, which was like all other furnished drawing - rooms. a mantle - piece, with two modern s vres vases, a timepiece representing cupid with his bent bow, a mirror with an engraving on each side - one representing homer carrying his guide, the other, belisarius begging - a grayish paper ; red and black tapestry - such was the appearance of lord wilmore s drawing - room

  5. It was there wilmore had first met him and fought against him ; and in that war zaccone had been taken prisoner, sent to england, and consigned to the hulks, whence he had escaped by swimming

  6. " as for myself, i first heard you spoken of by my friend wilmore, the philanthropist

  7. I am quite aware that my friend wilmore is peculiar, but he is sincere, and as rich as a gold - mine, consequently, he may indulge his eccentricities without any fear of their ruining him, and i have promised to adhere to his instructions

  8. " the person called the count of monte cristo is an intimate acquaintance of lord wilmore, a rich foreigner, who is sometimes seen in paris and who is there at this moment ; he is also known to the abb busoni, a sicilian priest, of high repute in the east, where he has done much good.

    第二天晚上,維爾福先生收到下面這張條子: 「基督山伯爵有兩個好朋友,一個是威瑪勛爵,是一個有錢的外國人,行蹤不定,目前在巴黎另一個是布沙尼神甫,是一個在東方廣行善事頗得該地人士稱譽的義大利教士。 」
  9. However, among all the incoherent details given to me by the abb busoni and by lord wilmore, by that friend and that enemy, one thing appears certain and clear in my opinion - that in no period, in no case, in no circumstance, could there have been any contact between him and me.

    布沙尼長老和威瑪勛爵他的朋友和他的仇人所給我的各種消息雖不完全相同,但據我看來,有一點是可以明確地斷定的,就是不論在哪一個時期,不論在哪一件事情上,不論在哪一種環境里,他和我之間都沒絲毫瓜葛。 」
  10. Es de meillan belonged, dant s next proceeded thither, and, under the name of lord wilmore the name and title inscribed on his passport, purchased the small dwelling for the sum of twenty - five thousand francs, at least ten thousand more than it was worth ; but had its owner asked half a million, it would unhesitatingly have been given

  11. I knew a lord wilmore, who was constantly doing actions of this kind.

    因為我認識一位威瑪勛爵,他是常常干這種慷慨的事情的。 」
  12. " from an englishman, called lord wilmore, who takes the name of sinbad the sailor.

    「一個英國人,名叫威瑪勛爵,他化名叫水手辛巴德。 」
  13. Said lord wilmore, with that tone which is only known to natives of great britain

  14. Busoni nor lord wilmore, " said monte cristo ; " think again, - do you not recollect me ?

    「我既不是布沙尼神甫,也不是威瑪勛爵, 」基督山說。
  15. " not more than five or six hundred thousand francs, " said lord wilmore ; " he is a miser.

    「不過五六十萬法郎, 」威瑪勛爵說, 「他是一個守財奴。 」
  16. " yes, you will receive it from your father personally, but lord wilmore will be the security for the money

  17. The stranger had written to lord wilmore, requesting an interview, which the latter had fixed for ten o clock

  18. " however, your excellency, " said andrea, " in consideration of lord wilmore, by whom i was recommended to you -

    「但是,伯爵閣下, 」安德烈說, 「我是威瑪勛爵介紹來見您的,看他的份兒上」
  19. An hour afterwards the carriage was again ordered, and this time it went to the rue fontaine - saint - george, and stopped at no. 5, where lord wilmore lived
