wipo copyright treaty 中文意思是什麼

wipo copyright treaty 解釋
  • wipo : WIPO = World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知識產權組織。
  • copyright : n 版權,著作權 (copyright reserved 版權所有)。2 adj 版權的,著作權的。3 vt 為(書等)取得版權(...
  • treaty : n. (國家間的)條約,協定;(個人間的)約定;協商,談判,交涉。 in treaty with 和…交涉中。
  1. The legal protection to technology measures ( tm ), which derived from u. s. case in 1988, is one of the core problems for copyright law that must resolve in 21 century. because of wipo copyright treaty and wipo performances and phonograms treaty passed in 1996, the copyright protection of tm increasingly becomes the one of national legal system

    技術措施的法律保護是當代版權制度必須解決的三大核心問題之一,它肇始於1988年美國的一個案例, 1995年美國提出的立法模式盡管未獲通過,隨後由於1996年wipo版權公約和錄音錄象品公約的影響,技術措施的版權保護迅速進入各國的立法體系。
  2. No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the wipo copyright treaty adopted on 20 december 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures
