woodley 中文意思是什麼

woodley 解釋
  1. Mcgarry said the 2 - foot steel arrow sailed into the stadium from outside and nearly hit one of the woodley players

    按照邁加里的說法,這支長約0 . 61米的弩箭的發射地點位於體育場外,它差一點兒就擊中了伍德利體育隊的一名球員。
  2. A member of the task group and chief executive of the uk timber frame association, bryan woodley, said : " the united approach from three important government departments in welcoming the code gives a positive and proactive foundation to allow industry to deliver communities and buildings fit for this and future generations.

    特別工作組成員、英國木構架協會最高行政長官布萊恩.伍德雷說: 「三個重要政府部門在制定法規上的聯合方法,在使工業配合現在和將來幾代人需要的社區和建築上,起到了積極主動的作用。 」
  3. The game between woodley sports and alsager town in the unibond first division was abandoned in the 77th minute saturday after the referee noticed the bolt embedded in the field

  4. Police were called to woodley s stadium, and the arrow will be examined. " we wondered if it was a firework or something that had gone on that no one else had seen, " alsager chairman graham mcgarry told sky sports news on sunday

    阿爾薩加鎮隊的俱樂部主席格雷厄姆邁加里說: 「我們想知道這到底是怎麼一回事,是有人發射一種焰火呢,還是在大家都沒有注意到的情況下隨意飛進來的什麼東西。
  5. Police were called to woodley ' s stadium, and the arrow will be examined. " we wondered if it was a firework or something that had gone on that no one else had seen, " alsager chairman graham mcgarry told sky sports news on sunday

    阿爾薩加鎮隊的俱樂部主席格雷厄姆邁加里說: 「我們想知道這到底是怎麼一回事,是有人發射一種焰火呢,還是在大家都沒有注意到的情況下隨意飛進來的什麼東西。
  6. " he brought the managers together with the object and brought the players together and marched them off, all within two minutes. mcgarry said the 2 - foot steel arrow sailed into the stadium from outside and nearly hit one of the woodley players

    主裁判先是將雙方教練員叫了過去,給他們看了一下那支弩箭,然後又將兩隊的所有球員召集到一起,並且帶著大家迅速離開了球場,整個過程僅用了不到2分鐘的時間。 」
  7. A crossbow arrow was fired into a soccer stadium, whistling past one of the players and forcing the amateur game to be called off. the game between woodley sports and alsager town in the unibond first division was abandoned in the 77th minute saturday after the referee noticed the bolt embedded in the field
