words 中文意思是什麼

音標 [wə:dz]
words 解釋
  1. The chi lin nunnery is the only institution in hong kong recognized as a " nu zhong shi fang cong lin ". in other words, it is a nunnery open to nuns from all quarters and its abbess is selected purely on merit

  2. Road, street, lane and avenue are the most common words used in street names and are often abbreviated in addresses to rd, st, la and ave.

  3. They used abbreviations of words and a few symbols to describe operations.

  4. Obasute, written by yasushi inoue, is a short story of fewer than 10 000 words, and the style is not the mainstream of his works, but its motif about self - abnegation, self - excitation arid unperturbedly facing the trouble times could also be found among his many other works, so, i regard it as an important key to understanding thoughts of yasushi inoue ' s literature

    摘要小說《棄老》不盈萬字,風格也非井上靖文學的主流,但其中蘊藏的克己自礪、坦立亂世的主題貫通於井上靖多部作品之中,堪稱解讀井上靖文學的一把「關鑰」 。
  5. List of english words of australian aboriginal origin

  6. It is an abstract idea: a mere form of words.

  7. The abuse was not always confined to words.

  8. The first part is to parse the accidence of words, the second part is to analyze the grammar of sentences, and the third part is to translate

  9. My dear kitty told me today that she would dance in a deluge before ever she would starve in such an ark of salvation for, as she reminded me blushing piquantly and whispering in my ear though there was none to snap her words but giddy butterflies, dame nature, by the divine blessing, has implanted it in our heart and it has become a household word that il y a deux choses for which the innocence of our original garb, in other circumstances a breach of the proprieties, is the fittest nay, the only, garment

    吾之情婦基蒂今日相告,伊情願舞于洪水中,亦不願在救命方舟中挨餓。何耶?伊對予傾訴雲此時,盡管除翩翩起舞之蝴蝶,絕無偷聽者,伊依然臉色紅漲,附耳低語:吾曹生就無垢之肌膚,換個情況必將導致破壞禮儀,然而在二種場合下180 ,會成為唯一之可身衣裳。
  10. In other words, the frequencies of those waves should be constant in time and space a priori

  11. Make an acrostic poem using one of your spelling words

  12. Just a few words will incite him into action.

  13. He consistently matches his words with his action.

  14. Use the active voice and omit needless words

  15. Such natures as yours don't so easily adhere to their words.

  16. The adscription about words translated by meaning - taking the translation of the chinese buddhist sutra for example

  17. They have to adulterate a chinese sentence with words taken from english and malay

  18. They have to adulterate a chinese sentence with words taken from english or malay

  19. The suffix-words have the same meaning but only form adverbs.

  20. Teddy upshaw mouthed the words as if trying them on, then affirmed.
