wql 中文意思是什麼

wql 解釋
  1. Indicates that the task began to execute the wql query

  2. The value of this property in this object is always " wql "

    此對象中此屬性的值始終為「 wql 」 。
  3. Reports the wql query that the task ran

  4. Sql supports queries across multiple tables, but wql supports only single class queries

  5. An operator in the wql where clause, that is used to retrieve instances from a class hierarchy

    Wql where子句中的一個運算符,用於從類層次結構中檢索實例。
  6. A clause in the wql select statement used to request that multiple notifications be combined into single instances of an aggregate event

    Wql select語句中的一個子句,用於請求將多個通知合併到聚合事件的單個實例中。
  7. Where a clause in the wql select statement that constrains a query so that subsets of class definitions or class instances can be selected

    Wql select語句中的一個子句,它約束一個查詢,從而可以選擇類定義或類實例的子集。
  8. Within a clause in the wql select statement that constrains the granularity of event delivery time, and supports polling for events when no event provider is available

    Wql select語句中的一個子句,它約束事件傳遞時間的間隔,並且當沒有事件提供程序時支持輪詢事件。
  9. A clause in the wql select statement that is used to set a minimum limit on the number of discrete events that produce an aggregate event, which reduces overall event traffic

    Wql select語句中的一個子句,用於設置產生聚合事件的離散事件的數量下限,該限制將減少總體事件流量。