zork 中文意思是什麼

zork 解釋
  1. I use zork i, which activision allows people to copy freely these days - a link to it can also be found in resources

    我使用的是現在activision允許人們免費地拷貝的zork i在參考資料中也可以找到指向它的鏈接。
  2. Thus, you can still run zork on virtually any system with the help of modern z - machine interpreters like frotz - or you can also run it on the older hardware for which it was originally written

    這樣,在最新的z - machine解釋器的幫助下,比如frotz ,您可以在幾乎所有系統上運行zork或者您也可以在更老的硬體上運行它,它最初是為那些硬體編寫的。
  3. Zork is a game which ran on everything from the c64 to a vax

    Zork是一個可以在所有地方運行的游戲,從c64到vax 。
  4. Infocom launched in an era of competing hardware running competing operating systems from ibm compatibles to the apple to the atari 800 and commodore s amiga and c64, when portability was a significant differentiator ; this inspired infocom to run on top of a virtual machine - the z - machine, which was named for zork

    Infocom經歷了相互競爭的硬體運行相互競爭的操作系統的時代(從ibm兼容機到apple ] [再到atari 800和commodore的amiga以及c64 ) ,那時可移植性還有很大差別;這啟發infocom在一個虛擬機之上去運行它即z - machine ,是為zork命名的。
  5. Their games were very popular, and even spawned a zug zork user s group and a best - selling book series of

    他們的游戲非常流行,甚至派生出一個zug ( zork user s group ) ,以及關於他們的游戲的
  6. You might expect that since the kuro comes with a linux environment, that it would pass the zork test with flying colors

    您或許會期望,由於kuro附帶了一個linux環境,它將出色地通過zork test 。