
中文拼音 [nān]
名詞[方言]1. (兒子) son2. (兒女) children
  1. The dour recluse still there he has his cake and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, phedo s toyable fair hair. eh. . i just eh.

    倔強的隱士依然在那兒呢他把點心拿在乎里535 ,還有那個文靜的小夥子,小乖乖536 ,菲多那般的金發。
  2. A child renamed padney socks she shook with shocks her moneybox : counted his three free moneypenny buttons one, tloo, tlee : a doll, a boy, a sailor she cast away : blond, born of two dark, she had blond ancestry, remote, a violation, herr hauptmann hainau, austrian army, proximate, a hallucination, lieutenant mulvey, british navy

    她把穿水手裝的男小木偶丟掉了。盡管爹媽的頭發都是深色的,她卻繼承了先輩的金發血統。古老的往昔,曾被誘? ,海瑙上尉144先生,奧地利陸軍近因則是個幻覺,英國海軍中的馬爾維中尉。
  3. A new technology based on molecular logic gates, jointly developed by hp labs and ucla, can store vast amounts of data permanently, yield a 100 billion reduction in power consumption, and put 100 workstations on the size of a grain of sand

  4. Daiwan ' s tobacco and alcohol monopoly bureau decided to increase the rice wine quota for women within two months after they gave birth, from 20 to 40 bottles

  5. The twelfth apostle judas made, jesus was by him betrayed
