
中文拼音 [péng]
堋名詞1. (分水堤) watershed dike2. [書面語] (射擊瞄準用的短墻) short wall
  1. 2. make a hold - ball in front of your right side, with your right hand on top. shift your weight onto your right foot, draw your left foot, on its toes, next to your right foot

    8 、以太極拳之連綿不斷、沾黏相隨及捋擠按采捩肘靠八法為該拳的基本運動形式並以先父的化勁練法其行拳之內意。
  2. Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words unto the ends of the world

    羅馬書10 : 18 [但我說,人沒有聽見。誠然聽見了。 ]他們的聲音傳遍天下,他們的言語傳到地極。