
中文拼音 []
名詞1. (婦女) woman 2. (已婚的女子) married woman 3. (妻) wife
  1. Is mrs karen iversen, widow, v. rhus county hospital

    -寡karen iversen太太控告aarhus郡立醫院的案件
  2. - is mrs karen iversen, widow, v. ? rhus county hospital

    -寡karen iversen太太控告aarhus郡立醫院的案件
  3. The study, by the university of aarhus in denmark, recruited more than 1, 000 women before they were 20 weeks " pregnant, who drank at least three cups of

  4. But the slap and the blessing stood him friend, says mr vincent, for to make up he taught him a trick worth two of the other so that maid, wife, abbess and widow to this day affirm that they would rather any time of the month whisper in his ear in the dark of a cowhouse or get a lick on the nape from his long holy tongue then lie with the finest strapping young ravisher in the four fields of all ireland

    文森特先生曰: 「作為補償,彼將力量相當于兩頭公牛之秘訣傳授下來。處女妻子女修道院院長與寡至今斷言,伊等與其跟愛爾蘭四片綠野130上最英俊強壯專門勾引女人之年輕小夥子睡覺,不如隨時都於幽暗牛棚中,對著牛耳囁嚅131 ,並希望彼用神聖的長舌舔自己的脖頸。 」
  5. Thomas j. abercrombie, kabul, afghanistan 1967, as enclosed as her pets, an afghan woman secludes herself behind the traditional chadri as she balances caged goldfinches bought at market

    阿富汗,喀布爾, 1967年,托馬斯?亞柏克隆比,這位人將市場買來的金翅雀頂在頭上,一襲傳統的察都里袍圍住全身,把她圍得與籠中鳥一樣的禁閉。
  6. Women constitute nearly half the able-bodied members of the village.

  7. The potent oxytoic effect of prostaglandins has been used to induce abortion and labor in women.

  8. It prompted the matron to say that she would walk a little way - as far as to the point where the acclivity from the valley began its first steep ascent to the outer world

  9. It has two flavours - white sugar and brown sugar. the pastry is mixed with flour, sugar, honey, barley sugar and butter. it s a healthy food for women after accouchement and at the old time

  10. Thus accoutred, and walking with the confident tread of such a character, and with the supple freedom of a woman who had habitually walked in her girlhood, bare - foot and bare - legged, on the brown sea - sand, madame defarge took her way along the streets

  11. My dear kitty told me today that she would dance in a deluge before ever she would starve in such an ark of salvation for, as she reminded me blushing piquantly and whispering in my ear though there was none to snap her words but giddy butterflies, dame nature, by the divine blessing, has implanted it in our heart and it has become a household word that il y a deux choses for which the innocence of our original garb, in other circumstances a breach of the proprieties, is the fittest nay, the only, garment

    吾之情基蒂今日相告,伊情願舞于洪水中,亦不願在救命方舟中挨餓。何耶?伊對予傾訴雲此時,盡管除翩翩起舞之蝴蝶,絕無偷聽者,伊依然臉色紅漲,附耳低語:吾曹生就無垢之肌膚,換個情況必將導致破壞禮儀,然而在二種場合下180 ,會成為唯一之可身衣裳。
  12. Smedley was close to ding ling, the well-known novelist and activist for women's causes, with whom smedley corresponded until her death.

  13. Adjunct professor, centre of research and promotion of women

  14. That memory, venus and adonis, lay in the bedchamber of every light - of - love in london. is katharine the shrew illfavoured

    維納斯與阿都尼中所描繪的那番記憶124 ,存在於倫敦每個蕩的寢室里。
  15. The president and mrs. bush are the adoptive uncle and aunt of a niece and nephew

  16. Whether there are any lessons in this for human adulterers remains to be seen

  17. That the capital a might have been thought to mean admirable, or anything rather than adulteress.

  18. Lapidate the adulteress

  19. Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress ? why embrace the bosom of another man ' s wife

  20. The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit ; he who is cursed of the lord will fall into it

    箴22 : 14淫的口為深坑、耶和華所憎惡的、必陷在其中。