
中文拼音 []
動詞1. (愛惜) cherish; value highly; treasure; care for tenderly 2. (吝惜) spare; grudge; stint 3. (惋惜) have pity on sb. ; feel sorry for sb. : 惋惜 feel sorry for; 憐惜弱者 take pity on the weak; 可惜的是你不能來。
the pity is that you cannot come
  1. Abacus is a wonderful but sadly vanishing culture

  2. There was such an abundance of sympathy in clym's tone.

  3. He was most liberal where money would bring him a powerful or necessary political adherent.

  4. With the advocation and support of the reformers, guangxu emperor of qing dynasty hastily declared the abolishment of imperial examination system, which triggered unprecedented debates and intense conflicts

  5. The ainu people who valued nature

  6. Alas, unwisdom has already prevailed.

  7. Far less familiar are the passages from the "letters" and from crevecoeur's "sketches of eighteenth-century america" in which he bewails the upheavals of the american revolution.

  8. The andes mountains are hurt by humans because they cut down trees which shelter many unique andean animals

  9. Dear faithful, our understanding of " respect life, the gift of god " is very much antithetic with the hierarchy of values of the world, our vision is against the present currents in society

  10. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.

  11. Students and teachers shook hands to bid each other farewell and the service concluded with the emotional singing of " auld lang syne "

  12. Sadly with the arrival of the new bab chairman mr vincent sumpter nothing changed, he made the statement below despite the factual information available to him and his executive, lets not forget that mr sumpter had the only four surviving students of abbe sensei for aikido within the bab

  13. There was the pitying chuckle that bubbled in my throat when i watched a fat duck waddle across the back yard.

  14. We would maintain the world balance of power at all costs.

  15. To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice, even that of our lives.

  16. Lcsd saddened by collapse of banyan tree branches at kowloon park

  17. Pity there ain ' t a cabanatuan beauty contest

  18. Mrs. becky absolutely neglected her person, and did not even care for her reputation.

  19. It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees, but alas, one could see in the near distance the chimney of tevershall pit, with its clouds of steam and smoke, and on the damp, hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of tevershall village, a village which began almost at the park gates, and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile : houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles and wilful, blank dreariness

  20. Under the circumstances i do not begrudge the money.
