
中文拼音 [shuān]
動詞(用繩子等纏繞在物體上, 再打結) tie; fasten
  1. The 3-point hitch unit is gaining wider acceptance.

  2. He ' s over twenty and lives at home, still tied to his mother ' s apron strings

  3. - on belay ! on kate ! - ok, take me down nice and slow,

  4. On belay ! on kate ! - ok, take me down nice and slow,

  5. Briggs : the girl ' s quick. man. get the rope. top : : ok. i ' m on belay

  6. Bogy was the next - door neighbors ' english bulldog. normally he was linked by a chain to a wire that stretched about 100 feet across their backyard

  7. The hawser was as taut as a bowstring, and the current so strong she pulled upon her anchor

  8. A lawyer ' s dog, running around town unleashed, heads for a butcher shop and steals a roast

  9. The dog was chained, so how did it get free ?

  10. The dog is fastened to post by an iron chain.

  11. I was just going out to chain up the dogs.

  12. The carriage creaked and rattled as it flew over the rough stones, and the slightest obstacle under the wheels would have caused disaster ; but it kept on in the middle of the road, and those who saw it pass uttered cries of terror. ali suddenly cast aside his chibouque, drew the lasso from his pocket, threw it so skilfully as to catch the forelegs of the near horse in its triple fold, and suffered himself to be dragged on for a few steps by the violence of the shock, then the animal fell over on the pole, which snapped, and therefore prevented the other horse from pursuing its way

  13. He turned the horse's head into the bushes, hitched him on to a bough, and made a sort of couch or nest for her in the deep mass of dead leaves.

  14. Alongside the ideal life, there s the necessities to think of, and the purest designs are earthbound, secured by threads which, ludicrous though they may be, are made of steel and cannot be easily snapped

  15. The heart is a common source for such emboli

  16. When you finish reading this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the euphrates

  17. The horses had been secured to some scattered shrubs that grew in the fissures of the rocks, where, standing in the water, they were left to pass the night.

  18. Each put on a coarse straw bonnet, with strings of coloured calico, and a cloak of grey frieze

  19. But he put his foot on the gunnel and rocked her, and shook his head, and said he reckoned he d look around for a bigger one. but they was all locked and chained ; so he took my canoe, and said for me to wait till he come back, or i could hunt around further, or maybe i better go down home and get them ready for the surprise if i wanted to

  20. Through the rue de la monnaie the wind rushed like white hair streaming wild : it whirled around the white hitching posts which obstructed the free passage of omnibuses and twenty mule teams
