
中文拼音 [lūn]
掄動詞[書面語] (挑選; 選拔) select; choose
  1. Angelo drew back his arm and punched her in the stomach.

  2. Then he would beat his arms on the ground.

  3. He gathered all his strength and swung the axe.

  4. Whilst speaking he produced a dangerous looking clasp knife, quite in keeping with his character, and held it in the striking position

  5. He flung up his hands and tramped down the stone stairs, singing out of tune with a cockney accent

  6. As yet shall he remain at nob that day : he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of zion, the hill of jerusalem

    賽10 : 32當那日、亞述王要在挪伯歇兵向錫安女子的山、就是耶路撒冷的山、手攻他。
  7. A deathsman of the soul robert greene called him, stephen said. not for nothing was he a butcher s son wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his palm. nine lives are taken off for his father s one, our father who art in purgatory

    「羅伯特格林曾稱他作靈魂的劊子手70 , 」斯蒂芬說, 「他真不愧為屠夫的兒子, 71在手心上啐口唾沫,就起磨得鋥亮的殺牛斧。
  8. Him with a sledgehammer, amazing

  9. Begob he drew his hand and made a swipe and let fly

  10. Faunman he met in clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle, c est vendredi saint

  11. The arms had muscles already knotted from working with the hammer.

  12. I let the stick fly, feeling it crack against a boy's skull.

  13. The professional team won the race with 159 species recorded

  14. And i swing my arms like this and my legs get faster,

  15. And then my arms get faster, and then.

    接下來我的胳膊越越快,然後. .
  16. " certainly, " said hal, with freezing politeness, taking hold of the gee - pole with one hand and swinging his whip from the other. " mush ! " he shouted. " mush on there !

    「當然啦, 」赫爾有禮貌而又有點生硬地說。他一手抓住舵桿,別一隻手起鞭子。 「走! 」他喊道。 「朝前走! 」
  17. Then we whirled in with the pick and shovel, and in about two hours and a half the job was done

  18. The director s indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier

    傅? ?嘸浣?的?傅?導??髕韉拇砦蟀滄
  19. " toss him in the river, " said haldiroast. the brothers picked up the dwarf and swung him toward the brown waters. " okay ! okay ! blindfold it is ! " cried gelimli

    「把他丟下河去。 」哈爾達說。兩個弟弟拎起侏儒就朝油光河去。 「好吧!好吧!那就蒙吧! 」格里姆利叫道。
  20. He will break it up into seven streams so that men can cross over in sandals
