放映鏡頭 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [fàngyìngjìngtóu]
放映鏡頭 英文
projection lens
  • : releaseset freelet go
  • : 動詞1. (因光線照射而顯出物體的形象) reflect; mirror; shine 2. (放映) project a movie
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (鏡子) looking glass; mirror 2 (幫助視力或做光學實驗的器具) lens; glass 3 (姓氏) a s...
  • 放映 : show; project; reproduction
  • 鏡頭 : 1. (攝影機或放映機上由透鏡組成的光學裝置) camera lens 2. (畫面) shot; scene
  1. Slide projectors and slides ; outer diameter for lens mount of projection lenses

  2. Slide projectors and slides ; projection lenses for overhead projectors, optical data

  3. Brilliancy test charts for projection lenses

  4. When shown through a special lens the distorted picture spreads out again.

  5. Quite a few violent scenes were cut from the film before it came to show

  6. It is difficult to prove that violent crime is related to violence on television

  7. In the cafe the too numerous crowd of customers were squeezing themselves round the marble - topped tables. several were standing up, drinking in a great hurry. the tall mirrors reflected this thronging world of heads to infinity and magnified the narrow room beyond measure with its three chandeliers, its moleskin - covered seats and its winding staircase draped with red

  8. In the version of the film released on dvd there is definitely no car, only chimney smoke and a one - frame flash of light that could conceivably be a car, but not in any sense that could be considered a goof

  9. Resolving power test charts for projection lens

  10. Not everyone gives the reins to delusion , and what they see is the thing itself only, just like the reality taken by the camera , and has nothing to do with artistic sublimation

  11. Our production mainly applies to laser industrial processing, laser biological and medical treatment, laser application technology, laser machine, protection for work, eye safety, electric welding mask controlled by optics, the watch windows of tank and industrial stove, optical equipments, web camera, photography system of mobile phone, projective system, ccd, cmos, lcd, dlp, lcos, dvd, telescope, gun aiming, stage, medical treatment, uv solidifying, screening, and other lamps and lanterns

    公司產品主要應用於:鐳射工業加工、鐳射生物醫療、鐳射應用技術、鐳射器元器件、作業防護、眼睛防護、光控電焊面罩、坦克、工業爐等視窗、光學儀器、攝像和手機攝像系統、投影系統、 ccd 、 cmos 、 lcd 、 dlp 、 lcos 、 dvd 、望遠、槍瞄、舞臺、醫療、紫外固化、紫外光源和等燈具中。
  12. What role does screening the rushes have for you ? do you intervene in the choice of more than one take of a scene

  13. Captured using a magnifying lens, the photo shows the effect of outside light on droplets of dew in a windowpane

  14. In the meantime, urdang says the studio will " carefully assess the impact of each scene. " another film that is undergoing cutting - and a release date change - is the million sci - fi update the time machine, starring guy pearce

  15. Another film that is undergoing cutting - and a release date change - is the $ 70 million sci - fi update the time machine, starring guy pearce

    另一部即將被剪切和更改期的影片是耗資7000萬美元的科幻電影《時間機器》 ,該影片由蓋伊-皮爾斯領銜主演。
  16. Method for determining various functions of projection lenses

  17. The main duty of image manipulation module is to deal with the patient ' s foot picture captured by camera and then mapping final clear outline to main client. the model displaying module ' task is to display the orthosis on the main client and translate, rotate, zoom and mirror the orthosis. it also can change the viewport of the orthosis. the model modication module has a serial of function which can be modified the orthosis according to the situation of different patients. this article expound the wanton smooth area ' modification in detail from two aspects
