
中文拼音 [zhèng]
名詞1. (政治) politics; political affairs 2. (國家某一部門主管的業務) certain administrative aspects of government; administration 3. (指家庭或團體的事務) affairs of a family or an organization 4. (姓氏) a surname
  1. Science magazine, an international weekly science journal, is published by the american association for the advancement of science ( aaas ), with assistance of stanford university ' s highwire press

  2. His demagogues, who bear names like aaron blue-skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's anti-renters.

  3. Teaching method innovation for diathesis abd thought politics lesson

  4. Yuan shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.

  5. He abdicated leadership of legislative and foreign policies to congress and his cabinet.

  6. He abdicated the throne in 1955 to play an active political role as prime minister.

  7. He had to content himself with expressing his government's abhorrence of japanese aggression while he knew that he could do nothing to bring the japanese to book.

  8. On the maintenance and abidance of the party ' s political discipline

  9. Living lives of vagrancy most of the time due to tyranny and abjection, the jews were always able to stand up and make money again

  10. While politically the jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented.

  11. Government interest and the abnormality of administrative power

  12. The chinese government had committed to a gradual cancellation of all 1 imits on the foreign capi tal retail trade in the agreement with the america and eu countries, that the connection of domestic and foreign competitions turns to be the main trend, and it would be an aboil contest

  13. Ama s nt boss apologises to aborigines for letter

  14. If they defend their interests through the political process, the promised redistributional sequel to economic growth will be aborted.

  15. He had weathered too many abortive revolutionaries when only his courage had saved the government.

  16. The right of citizens of the united states to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

  17. The government blamed a bomb attack on an army bus in colombo on the tigers, and said it would abrogate the truce, which had “ ceased to have any meaning ”

    當天在科倫坡發生了一起針對一輛運兵大巴的炸彈襲擊,府指責猛虎組織應對此次事件負責,並且聲稱將廢除休戰協議,因為「它已經沒有任何意義了」 。
  18. The policies are not often absolute.

  19. In the long struggle to reconcile industrial absolutism and political democracy, the court played a delaying action.

  20. Abstractive administration behavior and national supervise
