
中文拼音 [kuì]
動詞1. (水沖破堤壩) (of a dyke or dam) burst 2. (突破包圍) break through (an encirclement) 3. (潰敗) be routed 4. (肌肉組織腐爛) fester; ulcerate
  1. Method : experimental rat gastric ulcer models including waterlogging stress - restraint ulcer, pyloric ligation induced ulcer, indomethacin induced gastric mucosa injury and absolute alcohol induced gastric mucosa ulcer were used in this experiment

  2. Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene

  3. Ulcertitive colitis is associated with an incidence of multiple adenocarcinomas of the colon and rectum.

  4. Experimental studies on ulcerative colitis of tongxiening adhesive plaster

  5. His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift.

  6. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum afflicts more than 10 million citizens of the united states.

  7. I do not think the german air force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences.

  8. Effects of flavones from ampelopsis grossedentata on oral ulcer of rabbits

  9. In this case, anaesthetization and operation can be avoided

  10. Anecdotal evidence suggests that diets high in sugar, citrus, and cereal grains may trigger canker sores

  11. Remember there was ever the instruction to those peoples that were to hold to that that would bring for the spiritual forces, rather than the abuses of the abilities - as those with familiar spirits, as those that spoke to or partook of the divinations of those that had passed from the earth ' s plane, or those that partook of the animal magnetism - that came from the universal consciousness of animal matter as passed into its experience, in its interchange through those periods of integration and disintegration - and the spirit forces possessing those that would lay themselves open to such conditions, for these are as real as physical bodies if the attunements of the entity are such that it may vision them

  12. One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke.

  13. About 15 to 20 percent of patients who require treatment for perforation or bleeding will not have an antecedent history of ulcer pain.

  14. In the next two years his affairs crumbled apace.

  15. All his nerves seemed to have come apart.

  16. Or it is the fiber appearance spot with scar shape smooth face, without dilate of apparent blood capillary, ulcer and apophysis

  17. The argentine debacle has important lessons to teach

  18. 8 pellicle for oral ulcer can relieve pain and inflammation and has an astringent action

  19. How many a poor immortal soul have i met well - nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life, pushing before it a barn seventy - five feet by forty, its augean stables ( 7 ) never cleansed, and one hundred acres of land, tillage, mowing, pasture, and woodlot

    我曾目睹多少可憐的、不朽的靈魂在它的負累之下幾近崩和窒息,沿著生活之路踟躇爬行,前頭是七十五英尺長、四十英尺寬的大谷倉? ?它那些臟骯的角落從來就不曾被打掃干凈,還有一千英畝的土地,永無休止的耕耘,收割,放牧和種植!
  20. These unwarlike auxiliaries gave way like cheese to a knife.
