
中文拼音 [yān]
[書面語]Ⅰ代詞1. (跟介詞「于」加代詞「是」相當) here; herein 2. (哪裡; 怎麼) how; why Ⅱ副詞(乃; 才) then Ⅲ助詞(表示語氣) Ⅳ名詞(姓氏) a surname
  1. Pug gave his wife an absent kiss.

  2. She is absent-minded.

  3. He has shown neither patience nor impatience, nor attention nor abstraction.

  4. For the bosses at the companies they invest in, that may be a godsend : how nice to be bailed out by a discreet “ long - termist ” investor who lets you keep your job, rather than be forked out in the augean clean - up hedge - fund types might demand

  5. She glanced at them a moment with the benign but vacant eye of the tired hostess.

  6. He sucked on the tip of a cigarette, sipped black coffee from a saucer, and scanned a magazine.

  7. These complimentary expressions were uttered in a somewhat absent and distracted manner.

  8. There was mame by my side confiscating my intellects and attention.

  9. And she was wondrous stricken of heart for that evil hap and for his burial did him on a fair corselet of lamb s wool, the flower of the flock, lest he might perish utterly and lie akeled for it was then about the midst of the winter and now sir leopold that had of his body no manchild for an heir looked upon him his friend s son and was shut up in sorrow for his forepassed happiness and as sad as he was that him failed a son of such gentle courage for all accounted him of real parts so grieved he also in no less measure for young stephen for that he lived riotously with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores

  10. Mrs. charmond fell into a meditation, and replied abstractedly to a cursory remark of her companion's.

  11. In the course of his march mignon planted himself in front of potier s bust, ooked at it without seeming to see it and then turned back to the window, outside which yawned the darkling gulf of the courtyard

  12. Davidson remained in his chair and with abstracted eyes stared at the table.

  13. Wilson and gallagher play a desultory game of poker.

  14. It can even cause disharmony in a family

  15. People notice that unless he / she is a dolce vita in the mainstream, a feeling migr, like milan kundera, cannot but look back and sing with a heart throbbing with emotion worthy of a homeric epic : “ alone, in a sadness sublime, / and tears come ! ”

    大凡遊子多愁,若非佼佼然逞志於他國者,其必如米蘭?昆德拉氏,不能不回望前塵,心怦怦動,於萌蘇之情,何其淵默,即以荷馬詩史出之,亦不?過: 「獨愴然而淚下」 (見第?
  16. He himself is here, but his thoughts are elsewhere.

  17. His thoughts were far away and he did n't hear a word of what you said.

  18. The actress was so absent - minded that she fluffed her lines

  19. Her easy gait and idle manner attracted attention of an offensive but common sort.

  20. Study the prison you have built around yourself by inadvertence
