
中文拼音 [juàn]
[書面語]Ⅰ形容詞1. (拘謹; 潔身自好) overcautious2. (器量狹小而性情急躁) impetuous3. (耿直) uprightⅡ動詞(跳) spring
  1. On the annotation of xuwei ' s maniac personality

  2. The writers influenced by yangming ' s idealistic aesthetics created some characters who devoted their life to love, who were proud and upright and whose consciousness wass covered, and revealed the human nature from different points of view and different levels, so as to echo the call of consciousness, which had the distinctive features of our age and universal significance

    中晚明文壇,一些受陽明心學美學影響的作家塑造了一系列「殉情者」 、 「狂者」和「良知遮蔽者」等類型的人物形象,從不同的角度和層面揭示了人性的本質,感應「良知」的召喚,具有鮮明的時代特徵和審美意義。