用胰島素治療 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [yòngdǎozhìliáo]
用胰島素治療 英文
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (使用) use; employ; apply 2 (多用於否定: 需要) need 3 (敬辭: 吃; 喝) eat; drink Ⅱ名...
  • : 名詞[生理學] (胰腺) pancreas
  • : Ⅰ形容詞1 (本色; 白色) white 2 (顏色單純) plain; simple; quiet 3 (本來的; 原有的) native Ⅱ名...
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (治理) rule; administer; govern; manage 2 (醫治) treat (a disease); cure; heal 3 (...
  • : 動 (醫治) cure; treat; recuperate
  • 胰島素 : [生物學] insulin; insulinum; iletin
  • 胰島 : [解剖學] langerhans islet; islands of langerhans; pancreatic island; langerhan s island; pancreas...
  • 治療 : treat; cure; remedy
  1. External application of insulin in treating diabetic dermatopathy

  2. With few exceptions, such as the discovery of insulin, “ magic bullets ” have played a minor role in the prevention, cure and palliation of lifestyle diseases

  3. First - year comparisons among prandial, biphasic, and basal insulins reveal tradeoffs in efficacy and safety

  4. The foundation has awarded a 65, 000 grant to mcgill university endocrinologist dr. constantin polychronakos, who is studying the genetic basis of juvenile diabetes. polychronakos " initial research indicates children whose diabetes is the result of a rare genetic mutation can be treated with oral medication, rather than painful insulin injections

  5. Continue metformin. additionally continue sulfonylureas when starting basal insulin therapy. - glucosidase inhibitors may also be continued

    繼續應二甲雙胍。開始應基礎時還可以繼續應磺脲類藥物。 -糖苷酶抑制劑也可以繼續使
  6. Background this study investigates whether pioglitazone reduces neointimal hyperplasia after coronary stenting in nondiabetic patients with metabolic syndrome ( ms ) using intravascular ultrasound ( ivus )

  7. For insulin, one may well say, it has certainly made no small contribution especially to the treatment of type i diabetic, but it can only make up for the deficiency of insulin instead of making pancreas islet b cells release insulin

  8. If gestational diabetes is not treated through diet or insulin, large amounts of glucose can be transmitted to the fetus via the placenta

  9. Methods : in this 26 - week, multicentre, open - label, parallel - group trial, 320 subjects with type 1 diabetes received either insulin detemir twice daily or insulin glargine once daily. each in combination with premeal insulin aspart

    方法:在一項26周、多中心、非盲、平行對照試驗中, 320例糖尿病患者使每日2次地特或每日1次甘精,每組聯合餐前諾和銳。
  10. In your opinion, for the type 2 diabetic patients, the insulin pump should be used for a long term or just a choice of the transition, short period of time

  11. Patients enrolled in the trial ranged from 12 to 80 with baseline hemoglobin a1c greater than 7. 5 % and were already using an insulin pump to treat their diabetes

    參與試驗的病人年齡是從12歲到80歲,他們的糖化蛋白a1c的基線都大於7 . 5 % ,已經泵進行
  12. This group was matched with 13 randomly selected youngsters of similar age and diabetes duration who had been intensively treated with insulin and served as a control group

  13. Overall, 60 adolescents and 102 adults were assigned to the inhaled regimen and 60 adolescents and 105 adults were assigned to the subcutaneous regimen

    最後, 60名青少年和102名成人被分到吸入用胰島素治療組,而60名青少年和105名成人被分到皮下用胰島素治療組。
  14. Any of various pharmaceutical preparations containing this hormone that are derived from the pancreas of certain animals or produced through genetic engineering and are used in the medical treatment and management of diabetes mellitus ( type i )

    制劑:含有從動物腺提煉出的或通過基因工程製造的此類激的各種藥物制劑,於藥物和控製糖尿病(糖尿病i型) 。
  15. 1 the principles of insulin use, including professional support, are as for standard care. self - monitoring may be limited to pre - breakfast and pre - eening - meal

  16. Smbg ( using meter and strips ) on an ongoing basis should be aailable to those on insulin treatment

    在應用胰島素治療的患者中應當繼續將smbg做為基礎(應計量器和創口貼) 。
  17. Smbg ( using meter and strips ) on an ongoing basis should be available to those on insulin treatment

    在應用胰島素治療的患者中應當繼續將smbg做為基礎(應計量器和創口貼) 。
  18. Where the costs of thiazolidinedione therapy are lower than those of basic insulin therapy, use of these drugs may be considered before transfer to insulin

  19. The patients were then randomized to premeal inhaled human insulin plus twice - daily nph or to continue on the subcutaneous regimen

  20. Among the interentions to presere or " rejuenate " ? - cells, short - term intensie insulin therapy of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes will improe ? - cell function, usually leading to a temporary remission time
