
中文拼音 [béng]
動詞[方言] (『不用』的合音, 表示不需要) needn't; don't; do not have to
  1. "do not point that goddamned rifle, " i said.

  2. Michel : if i ' m not back on schedule, which means we ' re through that wall by the end of the day manana, we ' re not getting out of here

  3. I think you have to bite your tongue when he's on the warpath.

  4. If we do not keep the price down, go bang our chance of get the order

  5. Dont speak to me i beseech you, pierre muttered huskily

    跟我說吧我懇求您。 」
  6. No, joking apart, said prince andrey, do you really believe the campaign is over

    「不,開玩笑, 」安德烈公爵說道, 「您難道以為戰役已經結束了嗎? 」
  7. You want to learn any area of expertise, you need not learn from a master

  8. Oh, stow that ! don t you get sucking of that bilge, john

  9. He went to college, and he got - plucked, i think they call it : and then his uncles wanted him to be a barrister, and study the law : but he is such a dissipated young man, they will never make much of him, i think

    他上了大學,而考試不及格,我想他們是這么說的。后來他的叔叔們要他將來當律師,去學習法律,但他是個年輕浪蕩子,我想他們想使他有出息。 」
  10. Either be there on time, or do n't go at all.

  11. Do n't send anyone else, better go yourself.

  12. If [when] one loses confidence, he can never expect to do his work well.

  13. Leave me alone.

  14. You don't get those sort of people concentrated almost anywhere except on trains.

  15. If you lend him money, you can kiss it good - bye

  16. And dont talk to me ; dont talk to me ; dont talk to me

    說了,說了,說了! 」
  17. Holy dragon has head but no tail ! of course, not invisible, but no originally

  18. He who fails to reach out a helpful hand is not a true friend, let alone turning side on a friend in ill fate

  19. And you can say goodbye to this weeks allowence too

  20. And as though afraid she might find some comfort, he turned back and trying to assume an air of calmness, he added : and dont imagine that i have said this in a moment of temper ; no, im quite calm and i have thought it well over, and it shall be soyou shall go away, and find some place for yourself ! but he could not restrain himself, and with the vindictive fury which can only exist where a man loves, obviously in anguish, he shook his fists and screamed at her : ah

    他彷彿怕她不會想個法子來自己安尉自己,於是回到她身邊,極力地裝出心平氣和的樣子,補充地說: 「您以為我是在生氣時才對您說出這番話的,現在我心平氣和,我把這一點縝密地考慮到了,只有這么辦,分開,您給您自己找個地方吧! 」但是他忍受不了,現出慍怒的樣子,只有愛她的人才會這樣,顯然他自己感到痛苦,他晃了晃拳頭,向她喊道: