
中文拼音 [jiāng]
名詞1. (邊界; 疆界) boundary; border 2. (新疆的簡稱) short for xinjiang3. (姓氏) a surname
  1. Over the years dr william mong has explored new frontiers in international business with his distinguished foresight and brilliant acumen

  2. But in the later, the limo policy finally given the czarist government the opportunity to be aggressed, ended in the evil consequence of losing the territory

  3. Its territory includes part of the eastern alps as well as of the danube basin.

  4. The first part is the preface. in this part, i have made a general introduction of dai ethnic minority in xishuangbana dai antonymous region, such as the important position, the unbalanced social and economic developments, and the abundant natural resources. meanwhile, i have also talked about the characteristics of the ethnic relations between dai ethnic minority group and other ethnic ones, which contain the location, the sense of the same origins and cognitions and so on

    本文共分為七部分:第一部分為緒論部分,主要介紹了西雙版納民族地區的大體概況(地處邊、戰略位置重要;社會、經濟發展不平衡;自然資源豐富)及西雙版納傣族自治州各民族關系特點(大雜居,小集居,立體分佈;共同的歷史淵源和族群認同感;民族關系的核心是漢民族和少數民族之間的關系;民族關系發展的不平衡) 。
  5. “ no future peace can be maintained if. . armaments continue to be employed by nations which threaten, or may threaten, aggression outside of their frontiers ” ( atlantic charter )

    「假如…各國繼續使用武力威脅或可能威脅進攻界之外的武力話,和平就不會存在」 (大西洋憲章) 。
  6. The growth of the crockett legend shows well how the self-conscious even spurious aspects of the frontier could achieve a certain authenticity.

  7. Weather information for azerbaijan is not available at the moment

  8. World weather information - azerbaijan

  9. Constance rourke's statement needs to be complemented with that of tocqueville, who said of the backwoodsman that "everything about him is wild".

  10. Constance rourke ' s statement needs to be complemented with that of tocqueville, who said of the backwoodsman that " everything about him is wild "

    康斯坦斯?魯爾克的說法,應該用托克維爾的話加以補充。他說,邊居民, 「一舉一動都很粗鄙」 。
  11. Large numbers of military fortresses were build while constructing the great wall of ming dynasty, they guarded the border land along the great wail according to the military level

    摘要明朝在修築萬里長城的同時修築了大量的屯兵「軍堡」 ,按一定軍事級別分佈於長城沿線,守衛邊
  12. But when the barbarians began to threaten rome, the garrisons were called back from the frontier that they might defend the home country and britannia was left without a goverment and without protection

  13. Carson city, named for famed scout kit carson, is one of the nation ' s smallest state capitals

  14. Commodities are transported to border areas by truck.

  15. Khan, tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them.

  16. This paper is an analysis of the agriculture - dominated yuanmou county characterized by mountainous, tropical and droughty agriculture from the perspective of approaches of developing specialty agriculture in sw china inhabited by minority ethnic groups and against the background of county agriculture development in the rest of yunnan and even the rest of the whole country. in the paper a variety of approaches are employed, such as demonstration, contrast and statistics, no to mention the introduction of reference index system of economic competitive power for the purposes of contract, analysis and assessment

  17. Frontier life could be lonely and empty.

  18. In the fray his sons attend him, - terror, trembling, panic, and fear, - also his sister eris, or discord ( the mother of strife ), his daughter enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons

    隨從他奔赴場的有他的兒子:恐怖、戰栗,驚慌和畏懼,還有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(紛爭的母親) 、女兒毀城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。
  19. In the fairly deep lake facies there found abundant bivalve fossils, such as the standard foss il of permian in north xingjiang - tarfaniasp.,

  20. A great deal of frontier humour was oral.
