
中文拼音 [zhàng]
名詞(瘴氣) miasma
  1. That comed - as you call it - of being arrant asses, retorted the doctor, and not having sense enough to know honest air from poison, and the dry land from a vile, pestiferous slough

    「就因為一像你們說的像頭蠢驢, 」大夫反駁道, 「連新鮮空氣和氣,乾燥的土地和臭泥潭都分不出來。
  2. The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash, save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view ; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of chupenie, twenty miles south - westward from benares, the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of behar ; or ghazipur and its famous rose - water factories ; or the tomb of lord cornwallis, rising on the left bank of the ganges ; the fortified town of buxar, or patna, a large manufacturing and trading place, where is held the principal opium market of india ; or monghir, a more than european town, for it is as english as manchester or birmingham, with its iron foundries, edge - tool factories, and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward

  3. It is also faster than economic growth, implying that the world is not just consuming more energy, but also making it ever more dirtily

  4. This used to be a pretty good country to live in before they loused it up with their goddamned piety.

  5. Academic features of lingnan prescriptions in treating miasma

  6. A miasma rose from the marsh

  7. Driving on the yunnan - burma road, everybody must overcome the four dangers of miasmas and pernicious malaria, heavy rain and mud, dangerous road conditions and air raids by japanese planes

    在滇緬公路上行豐,人人都必須闖過四道「鬼門關」 :瘧關、雨水泥濘關、險路和險情關、日機轟炸關。
  8. Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium.

  9. The room reeks.

  10. We enter into a bewilderment of smoke, noise and crowding people.

  11. Thus, with beer - drinking, pipe - smoking, song - roaring, and infinite caricaturing of woe, the disorderly procession went its way, recruiting at every step, and all the shops shutting up before it

  12. The earliest is an inscription of a poem entitled " poems about azalea in the same rhyme " by zhang jun and liu songgui in a. d. 894 during the tang dynasty. other early works include an inscription of di qing from the song dynasty and a stele inscription entitled " notes on five diseases " by mei zhi, also from the song dynasty

  13. Diseases of the time were mainly spread by water and the major contagious diseases were dysentery and malaria which were prevalent in most areas in the south of china

  14. He heard there are some free treatments for the country people in guizhou. but miss the golden opportunity for didnt known the exact time and place. his diseases worsen lately

  15. Criminals often target high - demand drug such as antibiotics, malaria drugs and painkillers

  16. The unique gases and nutrient - enriched soil of zangarmarsh have given rise to a wondrous, diverse wetland ecology

  17. In addition, many patients are not able to get the treatments they need for diseases like aids, malaria and tuberculosis

  18. Temperature changes may also influence the spread of disease. for example, warmer weather speeds the growth of organisms that cause diseases like malaria and dengue fever

  19. Moreover, the hot and humid mountainous conditions were not congenial to the general health of the workers, causing many to be taken ill. phase ii of the scheme comprised the kowloon reception reservoir and the shek lei pui treatment works

  20. I had suffered from allergic asthma. when i did exercises in running, the asthma started to set in after a short run
