石油粘度 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [dànyóunián]
石油粘度 英文
oil viscosity
  • : 石量詞(容量單位, 十斗為一石) dan, a unit of dry measure for grain (= l00 sheng)
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (脂肪; 油脂) oil; fat; grease 2 (姓氏) a surname Ⅱ動詞1 (用桐油、油漆等塗抹) apply t...
  • : 粘動詞(粘附) glue; stick; paste; adhere to; bond
  • : 度動詞[書面語] (推測; 估計) surmise; estimate
  • 石油 : [地質學] petroleum; fossil oil; oil; 瀝青基石油 asphalt-base petroleum
  1. Test method for kinematic viscosity of asphalts bitumens

  2. In this paper, the author chooses five heavy - traffic asphalts and two typical aggregates ( limy stone and granite ) to study the relationship between the viscosity and the adhesion, or between the component and the adhesion of the asphalts

  3. Methods of test for petroleum and its products - bs 2000 - 521 : bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of adhesivity of bitumen emulsions by water immersion test - aggregate method

    及其製品的試驗方法. bs 2000 - 521 :瀝青和瀝青合劑.水浸入試驗測定瀝青乳膠的.集料法
  4. Petroleum products. measurement of the viscosity at low temperatures using a brookfield viscosity meter. liquid bath method

  5. Plate and frame filter presses provide the lowest cost of filtration per unit of fluid processed. ertelalsop offers application specific filter designs, in stainless steel or polypropylene, with unique features for flow rates ranging from large volumes to pilot plant and laboratory scale

  6. Methods of test for petroleum and its products - bs 2000 - 47 : bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of solubility

    及其製品試驗方法. bs 2000 - 47 .瀝青和瀝青合劑.溶解測定
  7. Test method for shear viscosity of coal - tar and petroleum pitches

  8. Petroleum products - computation table for viscosity indices

  9. The research results show that aggregate gradation and the nominal maximum aggregate size evidently influence the shear resistance of asphalt mixture ; aggregate flakiness content influences the shear resistance of asphalt mixture, and with the increase of aggregate flakiness content the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; asphalt binder properties, especially penetration, softening point and viscosity influence the shear resistance of asphalt mixture, and the latter increases with the decrease of penetration and the increase of softening point and viscosity ; asphalt content influences shear resistance of asphalt mixture, and with the increase of binder / aggregate ratio the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; air void influences shear resistance of asphalt mixture, and usually with the increase of air void the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; homogeneity does not have a direct and obvious relationship with absolute value of shear resistance of asphalt mixture, but does with variation of shear resistance of asphalt mixture

  10. With a viscosity similar to petro - diesel, it can be used in diesel engines ( cars, trucks, buses, construction equipment ), jet engines, and heating and electricity generating systems

    它的類似,可以用於柴機(汽車、卡車、巴士、施工設備) 、噴氣發動機以及熱電系統。
  11. The main effect factors include : 1. microbial species, which seem to have different degradation rate under varied circumstances and n - alkanes ; 2. physical and chemical properties of crude oil itself, which have an important effect on biodegradation, such as conglutination, boiling point, refractive index, ingredient and concentration of the oil ; and 3. culture condition of microorganism, under which the degrading activity of microorganism will be affected by surfactant, light condition, sorbent, nutrition, co - metabolite, oxygen, temperature and salinity during the inoculation of selected or indigenous microorganisms

  12. Petroleum products - lubricating greases - determination of the apparent viscosity

  13. Detga - a sereies of bearing and circulating oils. manufactured from high viscosity index paraffinic base oils, prssessing excellent natural demulsificationnproperties. effective additives further enhance oxidation stability. recommended for applications where the extra load carrying characteristics are not required. suitable for lubrication of machine guides, bearings and spindies, aie line lubrication of maching tools, ring liled and wick feed bearings, and light duty gear and hydraulic systems

  14. In addition, but also specially will set up a transportation plan organization, will planed strengthens between the organization as the improvement road invest the cooperation and a coordinated expert organization. the budget of this project is about 1. 4 million us dollars, chinese government will provide approximately 400, 000 us dollars including personnel and the material investment

    通過培訓,與會站長認為:金客車是中國超大的客車生產基地, lg潤滑是世界最大的化工企業,原裝進口,高指數合成,二者強強聯合,共同為金客車的使用者提供最優質的服務,給客戶創造價值。
  15. Abstract : a series of techniques producing lube base oil developed by ripp, including the technique for production of naphthenic lube oil, high viscosity base oil from sour crude and the api group base oil with viscosity index more than 120 from hydrocracking tail oil, were introduced

  16. Liquid petroleum products - viscosity - temperature charts

  17. Petroleum products - calculation of viscosity index

  18. Vgc standard test method for calculation of viscosity - gravity constant of petroleum oils

  19. The effects of stabilizers on viscosity of petroleum asphaltene solutions

  20. Petroleum products - determination of engler viscosity
