磁場熱處理 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [chǎngchǔ]
磁場熱處理 英文
magnetic heat treatment
  • : 名詞1. [物理學] (磁性; 能吸引鐵、鎳等的性質) magnetism 2. (瓷) porcelain; china
  • : 場Ⅰ名詞1 (平坦的空地 多用來翻曬糧食 碾軋穀物) a level open space; threshing ground 2 [方言] (...
  • : 處名詞1 (地方) place 2 (方面; 某一點) part; point 3 (機關或機關里一個部門) department; offi...
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (物質組織的條紋) texture; grain (in wood skin etc ) 2 (道理;事理) reason; logic; tru...
  • 磁場 : [物理學] (傳遞運動電荷或電流之間相互作用的物理場) magnetic field
  • 熱處理 : [冶金學] heat treatment; heat treating熱處理保護塗料 heat treatment protective coating; 熱處理車...
  1. Many planets ( for example, ganymede, mercury, the earth, jupiter and saturn ) and stars ( for example, the sun ) possess intrinsic magnetic fields. the explanation for their existence and variation remains a great challenge to planetary scientists and astrophysicists. this article attempts to review some recent developments and difficulties in the study of magnetohydrodynamics for the electrically conducting fluid interiors of planets and stars. it is the fluid motions, usually driven by thermal convection, that generate and sustain magnetic fields through magnetohydrodynamic processes in planets and stars. in planets, the magnetohydrodynamic processes are strongly affected by the combined and inseparable effects of rotation, magnetic fields and spherical geometry. the key dynamics involves the interaction between the coriolis and lorentz forces. in the sun, it is the solar tachocline, a thin shear flow layer located at the base of the convection envelope, that plays an essential role in the solar magnetohydrodynamic processes which produce the 11 - year sunspot cycle. some results of a new nonlinear three - dimensional solar dynamo model are also presented

  2. One is to improve the photoconductivity by annealing the mpc film under magnetic field ; the other is to form composite multi - layer film of zno / pbpc and sno / pbpc, to change the spectral response range of mpc films

  3. The results showed that the microstructure of as - deposited tbdyfe ii 1ms were amorphous and the crystal of tbfe2 were found in films after annealing at 500. annealing films in vaccum could improve the saturation magnetization ms and the susceptibility, decrease the coercivity and the saturaion field, and make the direction of the magnetic moments parallel to the film plane

    結果表明,制備態薄膜為非晶態結構,經過500真空退火后,薄膜出現了tbfe _ 2的結晶物,薄膜的矯頑力和外的飽和大大降低,飽和化強度增強,初始化率提高,易化軸轉向膜面。
  4. However, seed dormancy can be broken by a variety of physical treatment such as mechanical, temperature, stratification, hot and dry storage, radiation, ultrasonic waves, magnetic field etc

  5. The phase structure of different cu - fe thin films were studied by using grazing incidence x - ray analysis ( gixa ). the texture and residual stress of different cu - fe thin films were measured by scan of x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) and 2 scan with different. the thicknesses of different thin films were characterized by means of small angle x - ray scattering ( saxs ) technique. by using atomic force microscope ( afm ) measured surface roughness of thin films. the component of different thin film was characterized by energy disperse spectrum ( eds ) and x - ray fluorescence ( xrf ). the magnetic properties of cu - fe thin films were measured by means of vibrating sample magnetometer ( vsm ). in addition, the giant magnetoresistance ( gmr ) effects of different films were also measured. the original resistance of the film fabricated by a direction - current magnetron sputtering system is directly affected by bias voltage

    利用掠入射x射線分析( gixa )技術對不同cu - fe薄膜的相結構進行了研究;利用xrd掃描及不同角度的2掃描對薄膜進行了結晶織構及殘余應力分析;運用小角x射線散射( saxs )技術測量了薄膜的厚度;採用原子力顯微鏡( afm )觀察了薄膜的表面形貌;運用能量損失譜( eds )及x射線熒光光譜( xrf )對薄膜進行了成分標定;使用振動樣品強計測量了不同cu - fe過飽和固溶體薄膜的性能;最後利用自製的阻性能測試設備測量了真空磁場熱處理前後不同薄膜的巨阻值。
  6. Using the microwave selective heating property for materials, by setup equivalent equation, and first time inducing the electromagnetic field perturbation theory to the design of heating materials for substrate in mpcvd, three temperature distribution modes were established, including temperature distribution comprehensive mode of inhomogeneous plasma, temperature distribution composite mode of composite substrate materials, temperature distribution perturbation mode of composite materials, which ii provided an whole new technology route to the design of substrate heating system in mpcvd and guided the preparation of heating materials for substrate. and then the heating materials for substrate were designed and optimized to obtain large area homogeneous temperature distribution even larger than substrate holder ' s diameter. as an important part, this thesis researched the nucleation and growth of diamond films in mpcvd, systematically researched the effects of substrate pretreatment, methane concentration, deposition pressure and substrate temperature etc experimental technologic parameters on diamond films " quality on ( 100 ) single crystal silicon substrate in the process of mpcvd, characterized the films qualities in laser raman spectra ( raman ), x - ray diffraction ( xrd ), scanning electron microscopy ( sem ), infrared transmission spectra ( ir ), atomic force microscopy ( afm ), determined the optimum parameters for mpcvd high quality diamond in the mpcvd - 4 mode system

    該系統可通過沉積參數的精確控制,以控制沉積過程,減少金剛石膜生長過程中的缺陷,並採用光纖光譜儀檢測分析等離子體的可見光光譜以監測微波等離體化學氣相沉積過程;利用微波對材料的選擇加特性,通過構造等效方程,並首次將電攝動論引入到mpcvd的基片加材料的設計中,建立了非均勻等離子體溫度綜合模型、復合介質基片材料的復合溫度模型及復合介質材料溫度攝動模型,為mpcvd的基片加系統設計提供了一條全新的技術路線以指導基片加材料的制備,並對基片加材料進行了設計和優選,以獲取大面積均勻的溫度區,甚至獲得大於基片臺尺寸的均勻溫度區;作為研究重點之一,開展了微波等離體化學氣相沉積金剛石的成核與生長研究,系統地研究了在( 100 )單晶硅基片上mpcvd沉積金剛石膜的實驗過程中,基片預、甲烷濃度、沉積氣壓、基體溫度等不同實驗工藝參數對金剛石薄膜質量的影響,分別用raman光譜、 x射線衍射( xrd ) 、掃描電鏡( sem ) 、紅外透射光譜( ir ) 、原子力顯微鏡( afm )對薄膜進行了表徵,確立了該系統上mpcvd金剛石膜的最佳的實驗工藝參數。
  7. Starting with automation system, this paper, firstly, outlines the status of sensor lying in automation field and its developing state, shows the superiority about eddy current test by comparing it with the other nondestructive tests, expatiates the modern developing state about eddy current technology both here and there, shows the vista about eddy current test in our country and the background of the subject about the test for the width and thickness of stripe in the in - wall of cylinder after laser thermal treatment. secondly, beginning with maxwell equation in electromagnetic field theory and combining with some electromagnetic phenomena in real life, this paper explains qualitatively the operating principle about eddy current technology and the test theory for multi - parameter test with multi - frequency by math illation and gives some applying occasions about it

  8. The prediction of disastrous space weather is a hot topi c among solar - terrestrial physics and high technological fields. we propose that the future forecasting of the physical conditions that the violent solar disturb ance causes at the earth by propagating in solar wind depends heavily on the num erical method. this paper analyses the existing problems we are facing in the num erical prediction of disastrous disturbance events in solar - terrestrial space, an d then gives some suggestions for future study. for such a purpose, a six step sol ution method is developed to deal with one - dimensional symmetric interplanetary shock dynamics. it should be point out that that initialization of fully self - con sistent 3 - d mhd codes considering the solar - interplanetary - geomagnetic coupled r elations with initial - boundary values at 1r of the global output of solar pl asma and magnetic field using available solar observations is an essential requi rement in space weather operational codes for forecasting purposes

  9. After vaccum annealling in magnetic fileld, the films were studied by grazing incidence x - ray diffraction analysis and scan of x - ray diffraction. the results showed that fe atoms could be separated from cu matrix, which results in the increasing of the interface scattering, and enhance gmr effect

  10. The results of gmr testing indicate that the gmr effect is much little in the assputtered films, but they will be enhanced after vaccum annealling in magnetic fileld. and we also found that the thickness of the films and the
