
中文拼音 []
名詞[音樂] (古樂器) an ancient wind instrument
  1. The aestheticians thereby abandoned art to the hands of the art establishment, art dealers, impostors, cranks and all kinds of misfits who made art their heritage but without there being any art there at all

  2. The titan arum opens every one to three years

  3. This idiom is used to describe those who have no actual skills but pretend to be experts, or the passing off of inferior things as high quality ones

  4. I am not good at singing. i 'm here just to make up the number.

  5. And i ' ve been running a charade all these years

  6. She is a sorry apology for an actor

  7. How does someone like bush get away something like this

  8. She gave me coffee of a kind

  9. You can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty

  10. 2 the man you ' ve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. his writings are tedious

  11. The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post

  12. The idiom " be there just to make up the number " is used to mock someone who passes for a specialist

  13. Poor piper as i am, i won ' t do anything below contempt

  14. Bee s nest taro puff

  15. The sands in your way beg for your song and your movemen dancin water. will yo - u carry the bur of _ theirlameness

    跳舞著的流水呀,在途中的泥?常? ?愕母聲,你的流動呢。你肯挾瘸足的泥沙而俱下么?
  16. The traditional sheng is made up of 13 or 14 pieces of reeds, but the number of reeds of the modern sheng varies from 21 to 32. as the sheng can produce chords as well as single notes, it is effective as both a solo and accompanying instrument. its pleasing and expressive tones are particularly appealing to the audience

    周代的笙之竹管特長,管多的笙叫做"" ,北笙有十七簧,南笙又稱蘇笙有十三簧,其音色清幽而明亮,能吹奏和音與簡單復調,表現力很強,受到廣大聽眾歡迎。
  17. There is no filler here, and her song selection, culled from new songwriters such as noel brazil and classic folkies such as richard thompson, is impeccable

  18. The social order need only maintain stability through redundancy, through the maintenance of a clearly marked identity
