
中文拼音 [pàn]
Ⅰ同 ""襻""Ⅱ(構詞成分)見 ""袷袢"
  1. The both loops of iol in 55 eyes ( 93. 2 % ) were in the capsular bag 3 months after the operation

    術後有55眼( 93 . 2 % )人工晶體的雙均在囊袋內。
  2. And who among the company at monseigneur s reception in that seventeen hundred and eightieth year of our lord, could possibly doubt, that a system rooted in a frizzled hangman, powdered, gold - laced, pumped, and white - silk stockinged, would see the very stars out

  3. Fistulae can form between loops of bowel, bladder, and skin

  4. In this electron micrograph, the capillary loop in the lower half contains two electron dense rbc ' s

    在這張電鏡照片的下半部的毛細血管中有2個高電子密度的rbc 。
  5. Results : it was showed that the vessel loop deformity was increased, with prolonged vessel loop, narrowed vessel, slowed blood flow and increased erythrocyte aggregation in the patieats compared with the control

  6. We studied the microsurgical anatomy of this region concentrating on the third segment ( v3 ) of the va, from which extends the transverse foramen of the axis to the dural penetration by the va, we paid particular attention to the loops, branches, supporting fibrous rings, and surrounding venous structures of the va, as well as the relationship between their anatomical elements and their surrounding structures

    本文研究枕下區域的顯微解剖,主要集中在椎動脈的第三段( thethirdsegmentofvertebralartery , v _ 3 ) ,其范圍從樞椎橫突孔到椎動脈穿入硬膜處,並側重研究了v _ 3的血管、分支、纖維環和周圍的靜脈結構,以及它們與周圍結構的解剖關系。
  7. From the palace of the tuileries, through monseigneur and the whole court, through the chambers, the tribunals of justice, and all society except the scarecrows, the fancy ball descended to the common executioner : who, in pursuance of the charm, was required to officiate frizzled, powdered, in a gold - laced coat, pumps, and white silk stockings

    從杜伊勒麗宮大人宮廷樞密院法庭,到整個社會都是一場化裝舞會衣衫襤褸者除外,連普通的劊子手也要參加。劊子手行刑也得按靈符的要求「卷發撲粉身穿金邊外氅白色長統絲襪和輕便無鞋」 。
  8. Sadly there are tho 6141907 62221071 who, either through ignorance of the facts orvilful foolishness, l deny w thaa god exists, and therefo de did not create the heavens and earth, and mankind upon the earth

    否認神的存在是愚蠢的行為有一些266987089 ,不論他們是出於剛愎的愚蠢或是忽略了這些事實,他們? s仙竦拇嬖冢?仙翊叢熗頌旌偷? ,創造了人類。
  9. It ' s theirjob. it ' s not an obsession

  10. Here is a glomerulus with thickened pink capillary loops, the so - called " wire loops ", in a patient with lupus nephritis. the surrounding renal tubules are unremarkable

    圖示狼瘡性腎炎病人腎小球,可見粉紅色濃集的毛細血管,所謂「電線」 ,周圍的腎小管不明顯
  11. Measurements for the following anatomical structures were obtained with the aid of a microscope, the distance between mastoid process and transverse process of the atlas, occipital condyle, and superior lateral loop ; the distances between the midline and the v3 at three levels : 1 ) the distal ( dural ) ring ; 2 ) the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 ; and 3 ) the upper level of the transverse foramen of the atlas ; the diameter of v3h at the origin of the muscular artery and at the sites of penetrating the dural ring ; the width of the v3 at the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 and at the sites of penetrating the transverse foramen of the atlas

    V _ 3h和v _ 3v各有兩個分支: v _ 3h分出肌動脈支和腦膜后動脈支; v _ 3v分出肌動脈支和根肌動脈支,第一、二脊神經發出的前後支分別與它們又毗鄰關系。通過手術顯微鏡測量下述解剖結構:乳突尖與環椎橫突尖、枕髁外側緣、 v _ 3上外側的距離;椎動脈v _ 3段在穿硬膜環、與第二頸神經前支交叉、環椎橫突孔上緣三處與中線的距離; v _ 3h在發出肌支處和穿硬膜天渾醫科大學碩士研究主學位論文環處的直徑; v3v在與第二頸神經前支交叉處和穿環椎橫突孔處的直徑。
  12. Fourteen cases reoccurred, 5 eases were treated by chloedochoscopy per subcutaneous blind loop, 3 eases received reoperation and 4 eases anti - infection therapy

    73例獲隨訪, 14例癥狀復發, 5例再入院行經皮下盲膽道鏡取石、擴張、引流。
  13. Note the relationship of the capillary loops to the mesangium

  14. The study on the technology of flower tow

  15. Closed loop intestinal obstruction

  16. This normal glomerulus is stained with pas to highlight basement membranes. the capillary loops of the glomerulus are well - defined and thin

    正常腎小球, pas染色以突出基底膜。腎小球血管薄而清晰。
  17. Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loops are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumens are hard to see

  18. The thickened basement membrane ( arrow ) that results from immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillary loop is prominent in this electron micrograph

    電鏡圖示,由於免疫復合物沉積在腎小球毛細血管中,使基底膜增厚(箭頭) 。
  19. This glomerulus is hypercellular and capillary loops are poorly defined. this is a type of proliferative glomerulonephritis known as post - streptococcal glomerulonephritis

  20. The hypercellularity of post - streptococcal glomerulonephritis is due to increased numbers of epithelial, endothelial, and mesangial cells as well as neutrophils in and around the capillary loops
