試算金額 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [shìsuànjīné]
試算金額 英文
total splits
  • : 名詞(古代占卜用的器具) astrolabe
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (計算數目) calculate; reckon; compute; figure 2 (計算進去) include; count 3 (謀劃;計...
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (金屬) metals 2 (錢) money 3 (古時金屬制的打擊樂器) ancient metal percussion instrum...
  • : 名詞1 (額頭) forehead:寬額 a broad forehead2 (牌匾) a horizontal tablet 3 (規定的數目) a sp...
  • 試算 : dibble-dabble
  • 金額 : [書面語] amount of money; sum of money金額限制 monetary limitation; 金額轉入新帳戶 balance transf...
  1. If try out expires, it is inside contract period, servantchoose a person for a job the unit can ask laborer pays this to groom charge, specific paying a means is : agree of service period, press service period to wait for a contributive amount, the service time that already performed with the worker is degressive pay ; agree the same term without the agreement, by 5 years the share such as service period gives capital specified number, the service time that already performed with the worker is degressive pay ; both sides already had an agreement to degressive computation means, agree from its

  2. They also expressed concern that any discretionary element in a facility of the kind under consideration might be seen as an attempt by the hkma to control interest rates or as a policy of remunerating banks for holding clearing balances. 6

  3. After 1989, the increase of demand slowed down and facing the complexion of low degree of industrial concentration of product market and financial strain of medi um and small - sized enterprises caused by the circulating trap of " credit squeeze - - - bad loan ", the advantageous enterprises " " wallow in money ", specifically, those listed companies that could finance from the stock market, began to take predatory pricing strategy in succession and tried to enlarge market share and obtain high return by squeezing medium and small - sized enterprises out of the market after 1998, the vicious circle of deflation and " credit grudging " of banks in product and credit markets, overcapacity, the difficulty of retreating of loss - incurring enterprises in some industries from the market for institutional reasons and over - competition in some industries, led to the incessant decrease of enterprises " global income, persistent increase of rate of debts and constant rise of ratio of bad assets of banks, which further intensified the vicious circle of deflation and " credit grudging " of banks

    如在改革開放初期,在產品市場需求旺盛和信貸市場預軟約束的情況下,各類企業的最優決策就是採用高負債、高擴張的「負債的有限責任效應」策略來搶占市場並獲得高回報; 1989年以後,需求增速開始放緩,面臨產品市場產業集中度較低和信貸市場「信貸緊縮-不良貸款」循環陷阱導致的中小企業資緊張的局面, 「錢袋鼓鼓」的優勢企業(尤其是那些可以通過股票市場融通資的上市公司)紛紛採用掠奪性定價策略,圖通過把中小企業擠出市場來擴大市場份並獲得高收益; 1998年以後,產品市場和信貸市場形成了通貨緊縮和銀行「惜貸」惡性循環的狀況。產品市場上部分行業生產能力嚴重過剩,且由於體制等原因導致虧損企業無法退出,因此這些行業中出現了過度競爭的現象,企業總體收益的不斷下滑、負債率不斷提高以及銀行不良資產率的持續上升,又進一步加強了通貨緊縮和銀行「惜貸」的惡性循環。