
中文拼音 [lián]
名 (鐮刀) sickle
  1. The results showed that they are stemphylium sp, fusella sacc, alternaria sp, fu5ari urn sp, gibberella sp, sphacelia sp, actinomyces, dematium pers

  2. This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis

  3. Keratitis is treated with antifungal medication

  4. The athens double - barreled cannon - today on display in downtown athens, ga. - was designed to fire " chain shot, " two cannonballs connected by a heavy chain, and was intended to mow down large formations of enemy troops like a giant scythe

    如今陳列于喬治亞州雅典鎮市中心的雅典雙管炮,它被設計出來用以發射"鏈彈" (兩枚被一條粗鐵鏈鏈接在一起的炮彈) ,以期能夠如同一柄巨大的刀一樣一次"刈倒"一大片敵人
  5. Fusarium keratitis in contact lens wearers

  6. Tolerance limits for deoxynivalenol in wheat, wheat flour, corn and corn flour

  7. Keratitis is a fungal infection of the cornea

  8. Hammer and sickle symbols of the industrial worker and the peasant are used as the emblem of the ussr.

  9. Gc - ms analysis of chemical component of oxytropis falcate bunge extracted by petroleum ether

  10. Leaves crowded near apex of the trunk, spirally arranged ; stipes dark brown, with sharp spines ; lamina large, oblong, tripinnate ; pinnae 17 - 20 pairs, alternate, longest one to 60 cm long, the basal one reduced ; rachis short - spiny ; pinnules 18 - 20 pairs, sessile or nearly so, lanceolate, to 10 cm long and 2. 5 cm wide, divided almost to the costa ; segments more or less falcate, toothed

    葉螺旋狀排列,聚生於莖端;葉柄棕色,具銳刺;葉片大,長矩圓形,三回羽狀深裂;羽片17 - 20對,互生,最大的長達60厘米,基部一對縮短,羽軸有短刺;小羽片18 - 20對,無柄或近於無柄,披針形,長達10厘米,寬2 . 5厘米,深裂幾達中脈;末回裂片多少狀,有齒。
  11. Leaves tufted ; stipes stout, up to 1. 2 m long, densely covered with golden brown hairs at base ; lamina up to 2 m long and 1 m wide, tripinnatifid ; pinnae alternate, sparsely spaced ; pinnules linear - lanceolate, to 15 cm long and 1 - 2. 5 cm wide, short - stipitate ; ultimate lobes linear, more or less falcate, shallowly serrate, dark green and shining above, light green to glaucous below

    葉簇生;葉柄粗壯,長可達1 . 2米,基部亦密被金黃褐色毛;葉片長可達2米,寬達1米,三回羽狀分裂;羽片互生,疏離;小羽片線狀披針形,長達15厘米,寬1 - 2 . 5厘米,具短柄;末回裂片線形,略呈狀,邊緣有淺鋸齒,上面深綠色,有光澤,下麵灰白色。
  12. A double falciform ejection of water vapour from under the kettlelid at both sides simultaneously

  13. Instead of a scythe, father time held a huge pendulum, such as we see on old clocks.

  14. Virtanen's group in finland has demonstrated a very subtle type of resistance to infection by fusarium.

  15. When two o clock arrived the professional reed - drawers tossed off the last half - pint in their flagon, put down their hooks, tied their last sheaves, and went away

  16. Study on biological properties of fusarium solani on vanilla root

  17. Optimization of transformation system of fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum

  18. Effect of fusarium graminearum toxin stress on culture property of wheat immature embryo

  19. Reaper, keep dr. grimm here safe on her salvage op

    刀手」 ,保護博士取回數據
  20. Tokyo - yokohama - hakone - mt. fuji - isawa - nara - kyoto - osaka
