
中文拼音 [chàng]
Ⅰ名詞1. (古代祭祀用的一種酒) a sacrificial wine2. (古代裝弓的袋子) bow caseⅡ[書面語] 同 「暢」
  1. Suwen ( 素 問 ) is a sub - school of collation school. second , we made a general analysis to 195 cases of collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) made by hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , and compared them with the contents of textural research of the exegetic school in the former part of the dissertation

  2. The people who studied neijing ( 內 經 ) historieally can be classified as two sorts ? the exegetes in collation and exegetes in commentaries of medicine books. the former such as duanyucai ( 段 玉 裁 ) 、 hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), who belonged to anhui school of the experts in plain - ology , paid their attentions to textual researeh for contextual contents as their style of study , and the latter sueh as wangbing ( 王 冰 ) 、 wukun ( 吳 昆 ) 、 zhangjiebin ( 張 介 賓 ) 、 mashi ( 馬 蒔 ) 、 zhangzhicong ( 張 志 聰 ) , who all were famous physicians , paid their attentions to the explaining of medical principles as their style of study. a famous professor of the conteeporary era , qianchaochen ( 錢 超 塵 ) , pointed out clearly that there are two schools in the exegetical history of neijing ( 內 經 ) - the collative school and the exegetic school. but up to date , in the field of chinese medicine , the collative school has been short of being studied. this dissertation mainly study the collative school , and select suwen ( 素 問 ) collative school , which is consisted of hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), as the object to discuss the far - reaching influence of plain - ology to the study of medical documents

  3. In search of a colourful city with liu yi - chang conducted in cantonese

  4. Wen di listening to the flute

  5. With a spirit of pursuit and innovation, liu yichang shows his extraordinary qualities in the history of hongkong literature

  6. The programme demonstrates the distinguished presentation of a numbers of modernistic and superbly written works black and white series by prominent writer liu yi - chang

  7. From the analysis of the modernity in liu ' s novel the drinker, we can see that his pursuit of innovation in experimental novels is actually an attempt to look for a world of modern novel in which the internal genuineness of the human beings can be more authentically revealed
