aop 中文意思是什麼

aop 解釋
  1. Will your project benefit from a more expressive join point model like the ones offered by aspectwerkz, aspectj, and jboss aop, or would you be better off going with the coarse - grained expedience of spring aop

    一些項目可以從更有表現力的連接點模型(例如aspectwerkz 、 aspectj和jboss aop提供的)獲益,所以最好還是採用spring aop粗粒度的方便性?
  2. Use interception and aop to attach services to pojos

    使用攔截和aop ,將服務與pojo相關聯
  3. At the same time, in order to support reuse aspect between different aop languages, we design a universal xml schema to record the aop semanteme

  4. " by nicholas lesiecki developerworks, january 2002. find out how aop can add teeth to binding agreements between components in

    」 ( developerworks , 2004年7月)中,找出aop是如何增加組件之間的綁定協議的威力的。
  5. Spring aop offers excellent library support

    Spring aop提供了優秀的庫支持。
  6. According to the aop and monthly plan to achieve the enactment standard

  7. A workflow management framework of state machine with aop

  8. As expected, spring aop s instantiation model is more simple

    正如所料, spring aop的實例化模型更簡單。
  9. Of this series, i introduced the seven modules of the spring framework, including spring aop and the inversion of control container

    ,我介紹了spring框架的7個模組,包括spring aop和控制反轉ioc容器。
  10. For a listing of recent developerworks articles introducing aop, please refer to

  11. New ajdt releases ease aop development

  12. Without static checking, the aop framework silently fails by not invoking any advice

    在沒有進行靜態檢查的情況下, aop框架無法調用任何通知,因此會悄無聲息地失敗。
  13. While the aop tools that do not appear among the top four in the table may be technologically sophisticated, the lack of a strong user base suggests that they have not yet withstood the test of adoption

  14. While metadata is extremely useful when used in conjunction with aop, there is a danger of overusing it

  15. Quantitative analysis on using aop in the development of container management information system

  16. Spring can also let you add services to any method of the faade through interceptors or aop

  17. His primary programming interests are working with emerging technologies like web services, the semantic web, and rest and grid computing, as well as using programming models based on uml, aop, and xp

    他編程時主要喜歡使用web服務語義web rest及網格計算這樣的新興技術,以及基於uml aop和xp的編程模型。
  18. Aop is key to managing crosscutting concerns in application development

  19. Process is fundamental to all aop tools since it enables the modular implementation of crosscutting concerns

  20. Spring uses the aop specification and an xml configuration file to externalize crosscutting concerns, thus preserving the purity of your java objects
