appen 中文意思是什麼

appen 解釋
  1. When sholt come then ? appen sunday, she said

  2. Appen we d better shut, he said

    「我想把門關了的好。 」他說。
  3. But appen you don t want to go away

    「但是假如你不想走呢? 」
  4. Appen sir clifford ud know, he said, putting her off

    「也許克利福男爵另有一片吧。 」他用土話說。
  5. Appen sent y a fortune, like

    「也許他寄你一筆大錢呢。 」
  6. But the feeling s something different. it s appen better never to care

  7. Appen yer d better ave this key, an ah min fend for t bods some other road

    「你還是把這片鑰匙拿去吧,我會另外找個地方養幼雉去。 」
  8. Or appen ah d better gi e t yer termorrer, an clear all t stuff aht fust. would that du for yer

    或者,我還是明天再交給你吧,讓我先把這地方清理出來,你覺得好不好? 」
  9. An i d get my men to wear different clothes : appen close red trousers, bright red, an little short white jackets

  10. On y as appen yo d like the place ter yersen, when yer did come, an not me messin abaht

    「只是,你來這里時,盡可以要求這小屋子你一個人用,盡可以不願意我在這兒忙這忙那的。 」
  11. An if i get a windfall, i thank my stars. a man gets a lot of enjoyment out o that lass theer, which is more than anybody gets out o th likes o you. which is a pity, for you might appen a bin a good apple, stead of a handsome crab

    他停下一會,然後繼續說, 「噯,我不是個獃子,假如一塊天鵝肉落在我嘴邊我只好多謝天,有這么一個美人兒,一個男子不知能夠享受多少的樂趣,不象您一類的女了那麼難說,說起來也是可惜的,您本來是可以象一隻好蘋果的,而你卻是個好看不好吃的野蘋果,象你這樣的女子是需要接種的。
  12. As for cigarettes, he said, i ve got none, but appen you ve got your own. i dunna smoke, mysen. shall y eat summat

    他說, 「但是也許你們自己有罷,我自己是不舞煙的,您要吃什麼東西么? 」
  13. Tha loved me just now, wider than iver tha thout tha would. but who knows what ll appen, once tha starts thinkin about it

    「此刻您在愛我,熱愛到您以前所意想不到的程度,但是一旦您細想起來的時候,誰知道要怎樣呢! 」