ask 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ɑ:sk]
ask 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 1. 問,質問,詢問。
2. 求,請求,祈求。
3. 需要。
4. 討(價)。
5. 約,請,邀請。
6. 〈古語〉公布(結婚預告)。
Ask the way 問路。
Ask the doctor to come 請醫生來。
Ask sb. To a party 邀人赴會。
He was asked out (to dinner). 他被請去(吃飯)。
The matter asks haste. 事不宜遲。
The affair asks secrecy. 事要機密。
「This is the first time of asking. 」 「這是第一次宣讀結婚預告」 〈詢問是否有人提出異議〉。
vi. 不及物動詞 請求,問。
Ask (sb. ) about 問某人…。
Ask after 問安,問候。
Ask again [back] 反問。
Ask for 1. 徵求,請求,請(某人)給…,要(價) ( ask 20 dollars for the book 該書要價20元)。
2. 來找 (Did anybody ask for me 有人來找沒有?)。
3. 要(ask for money 要錢)。
Ask for it〈口語〉 = ask for trouble 自找麻煩,自找苦吃。
Ask (sb. ) in 叫(某人)進來。
Ask … of (sb. )向(某人)問[求] ask the reason of him 向他問理由)。
Ask out 〈美國〉辭職,引退。
Be asked in church 請教堂預告結婚 〈cf. banns〉。
If you ask me 你若不見怪,不瞞你說,要說呢就是…。
(How do you like my hat 你喜歡我的帽子嗎? A little old-fashioned, if you ask me. 要說呢就是樣子有點舊了)。

  1. Want to treat specific condition, belong to like the circumstance solid, have abecedarian evidence, can investigate a branch to inform against to economy of public security mechanism, investigate by them, sue, can ask in lawsuit capital of pay compensation for what one has unlawfully taken

  2. . . you have to ask for absolution to be forgiven.

  3. You have to ask for absolution to be forgiven.

  4. Online inquiry, the article on a lot of nets says this very awfully, make him very acedia, see pharmaceutical college of chinese medical university when him " the spirit that do not have care " shi xiaofang of task group group leader teachs " acerb wet verrucous may not is a gender the contact is infected, wart of dispel of draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected part is not difficult " after one article, if capture, help straw and general, after many setbacks, ask eventually history the professor ' s phone

  5. Article 14. a judge should not ask for information about the lawsuits being handled by other judges unless he is performing adjudicative or administrative duties

  6. The general assembly and the security council can ask the court for an advisory opinion on any legal question.

  7. I am apt to recently little stomach an angina next have loose bowels, and go up gas, keep exhaust, lie on the bed in the evening especially, can feel the position that feels bowel rouses a packet, particularly afflictive, the doctor says i am alvine function disorder, i eat now " li zhu bowel is happy " a week, angina was solved, other did not see how old the effect, i want to ask the year before last year i made alvine looking glass, have the possibility of the adhesion that get bowel, is my symptom resembled unlike

  8. Just as an afterthought why not ask jim

    這是事後想起的- -為什麼不問問吉姆呢
  9. Aida ask the boys to follow him into the gym, and made them sit on the floor

  10. Shanghai shengbaolong packing co., ltd. the main products : paper inn board, paper protect horn, slippery to ask board, container buffer air pocket, oversize sea - freight carton and special aviation carton, etc. of high strength of volume

  11. If you have questions to ask me, say it airily

  12. "may i ask, " said butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer, "who this man is? "

  13. He did not know enough to ask the man at the desk, and began his adventures in the philosophy alcove

  14. Above all, ask you to loosen your mood, having liverish person is not active anger, because hepatic itself is an alexipharmic place, the alexipharmic function that has liverish person liver originally is poor, you enrage it all one ' s life more diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain was accumulated more, with respect to meeting discovery liver bilges gas is burning sad fierce, the alexipharmic burden of aggravating instead liver, this is why you often discover abdomen will be indistinct recently the feeling is painful, be just like a sewer, sewer inchoate moment very connect, slowly with long finish discovers dredge worse and worse, this is hepatic never disease changes to sick silt, want to maintain permanent dredge so, after that makes liver had trouble already namely, also want little be anxious, little life, consider some of happy issue more, such ability reduce the amount that accumulates more, what ability makes liver good is fast

  15. That is to say, outside having an agreement additionally except the contract, of mark of insurance of freightage insurance contract make over, policy - holder need not ask for those who get an underwriter to agree, insurance contract is changed automatically along with the cession of insurance goods, the insurance concern between former insurant and underwriter is eliminated all right namely, new insurance concern immediately is built between alienee and underwriter

  16. Where either party fails to perform the obligation of supporting the other party, the party that needs support shall be entitled to ask the other party to pay aliments

  17. Where any child fails to perform his or her obligations, the parents thereof who are unable to work or who are living a difficult life shall be entitled to ask their child to pay aliments

  18. Where the parents fail to perform their obligations, the underage children and the children without the ability to live an independent life shall be entitled to ask their parents to pay aliments

  19. I ask allah to grant us and you forgiveness

  20. We ask this and all things in thy precious and alliterative name
