bagration 中文意思是什麼

bagration 解釋
  1. Whose company ? prince bagration asked of the artilleryman standing at the ammunition boxes

  2. Bagration drove up in his carriage to the house occupied by barclay

  3. Prince bagration nodded his head to betoken that all this was exactly what he had desired and expected

  4. Prince andrey felt that some unseen force was drawing him forward, and he had a sensation of great happiness. the french were near. already prince andrey, walking beside bagration, could distinguish clearly the sashes, the red epaulettes, even the faces of the french

  5. Bagration was to make a forced march, to halt facing towards vienna and with his back to znaim, and if he succeeded in getting on the road in advance of the french, he was to delay them as long as he could

  6. They were only waiting for prince bagration to open the council. presently bagrations orderly officer came with a message that the prince could not be present

  7. In the hollow where the stream flowed, below the eminence on which the kiev regiment was stationed, could be heard a continual roll and crash of guns, the din of which was overwhelming. and much further to the right, behind the dragoons, the officer of the suite pointed out to bagration a column of french outflanking our flank

  8. With his left arm he drew bagration to him, while with his right hand, on which he wore a ring, he crossed him with a gesture evidently habitual. he offered him his podgy cheek, but bagration kissed him on the neck. christ be with you ! repeated kutuzov, and he went towards his carriage

  9. But he had not finished the poem, when the butler boomed out sonorously : dinner is ready ! the door opened, from the dining - room thundered the strains of the polonaise : raise the shout of victory, valiant russian, festive sing, and count ilya andreitch, looking angrily at the author, who still went on reading his verses, bowed to bagration as a signal to go in

    但是他還沒有念完這首詩,那個嗓音洪亮的管家便宣告: 「菜肴已經做好了! 」房門敞開了,餐廳里響起了波洛涅茲舞曲: 「勝利的霹靂轟鳴,勇敢的俄羅斯人盡情地歡騰」 ,伊利亞安德烈伊奇伯爵氣忿地望望那個繼續朗誦詩篇的作者,並向巴格拉季翁鞠躬行禮。
  10. Pfuhl is making propositions, armfeldt is quarrelling, bennigsen is considering, while barclay, who has been sent for to act, can come to no decision, and is wasting time and doing nothing. bagration is the only one that is a real general

  11. The lustreless, sleepy look in the eyes, the affectation of profound thought had gone. the round, hard, eagle eyes looked ecstatically and rather disdainfully before him, obviously not resting on anything, though there was still the same deliberation in his measured movements. the colonel addressed a protest to prince bagration, urging him to go back, as there it was too dangerous for him

  12. In the smoke ahead of them they could see now rows of grey coats, and the commanding officer, seeing bagration, ran after the group of retreating soldiers, calling upon them to come back

  13. Prince andrey turned his horse and galloped back to grunte to look for prince bagration

  14. Leaving a third of his men straggling behind him, bagration reached hollabrunn, on the vienna and znaim road, a few hours before the french, who marched upon hollabrunn from vienna

  15. Kutuzov needed fully another twenty - four hours to get to znaim with all the transport, and so to save the army bagration would have had, with his four thousand hungry and exhausted soldiers, to have kept at bay the whole army of the enemy confronting him at hollabrunn for four - and - twenty hours, and this was obviously impossible

  16. Rostov saw the cossacks, the first and second squadrons of hussars, and the infantry battalions with the artillery pass him and march on ahead ; he also saw the generals bagration and dolgorukov ride by with their adjutants

  17. After zherkov had been dismissed from the staff of the commander - in - chief, he had not remained in the regiment, saying that he was not such a fool as to go to hard labour at the front when he could get more pay for doing nothing on the staff, and he had succeeded in getting appointed an orderly on the staff of prince bagration

  18. The places of bagration, who had been killed, and barclay, who had taken offence and retired, had to be filled

  19. Bagration replied that he was not authorised to accept or to decline a truce, and sent his adjutant to kutuzov with a report of the proposition made to him

  20. Kutuzov himself with all the transport was making straight for znaim. bagration marched forty - five versts, by night in stormy weather, through the mountains, with no road, and with hungry, barefoot soldiers
