balbo 中文意思是什麼

balbo 解釋
  1. At the l0th of june in l999, an internaional conference on balbo issue was held in cologne under thc ndttalive of the eu. foreign ministers of most west european countries, russia and balhan countries attended the cochrence. the stability fuct of southast europe which had raised at thc cochrence approved at the afterwars sararevo stnnmit cochrence

  2. Its stallding is to mde see peace through reqional integrity tha wunin the eu hainewofk, the see could be stable in politics, prosperous in economy and safe in the whole reqion. the main issue of my thesis is to discuss the fuct through theoretic and realistic point of vlew the first chapter deals with the history of conflicts that hav been takcn place in the balbo reqion ( ie. the southeast europe - - see )

    從有關文件和文獻資料看, 《東南歐穩定公約》就是歐盟為實現東南歐的穩定與發展而提出的一個方案,它基本上就是試圖通過區域一體化把東南歐吸納到歐盟的框架之內,在統一的政治、經濟、安全體系內解決東南歐的政治穩定、經濟發展和地區安全問題。