berr 中文意思是什麼

berr 解釋
  1. A special berr produced according to a unique technology that is perfect to preserve taste and aroma of lager beer

  2. The idea is proposed that those increased date, which near the separating hyperplane, is significant for the forming of the new hyperplane, whenever these date are classed by the former hyperplane to test error set berr or test right set bok

    與傳統的增量學習方法不同,本文中,作者認為那些在分類面邊緣增加的數據對分類面的改變都起著重要的作用,無論這些數據被初碩士論文支持向量機在圖像處理應用中若干問題研究始分類器p劃分到測試錯誤集berr或者測試正確集b 。
  3. This berr is made of high quality light and caramel malt and the finest varieties of hops. the beer is a refined beveage for true connoisseurs
