billion years 中文意思是什麼

billion years 解釋
  1. In fact, all life during the more than one billion years of the archaean was bacterial

  2. It was early in the archaean era, 3. 8 to 2. 5 billion years ago, that life first appeared on earth

    它在及早在archaean時代, 3 . 8到2 . 5十億年前,生活第一次出現在地球上。
  3. Even at meridiani, basaltic sands lie atop the lake sediments, indicating that the site has been parched for two billion to three billion years

    甚至在子午線地盤,玄武巖質的沙披覆在湖床沉積物上,顯示此地已經乾涸了20 ~ 30億年。
  4. It has a half-life of about 41/2 billion years.

  5. At some time more than five billion years ago the universe started.

  6. The youngest rocks found on the moon are 3 billion years old.

  7. The hill, shaped with the weathering and eroding along the plumb joints of the granodiorites which formed about 2. 7 billion years ago, is like buddha palm especially verisimilitude in green bosk

  8. Looking at these isotopes allows the chondrules to be dated, and they were formed 4. 56 billion years ago

    觀察這些同位素可以估算出隕石球粒的年齡,他們是在45 . 6億年前形成的。
  9. Their ancestors have been eating according to flavor for upwards of a billion years.

  10. Models of the solar system ' s early history posit that the frequency of impacts should have tapered off between 4. 5 billion and four billion years ago because most of the planetesimals ? the small rocky bodies that formed from the solar nebula ? were gradually cast out of the inner solar system or absorbed by the outer planets

    描述太陽系早期歷史的模式假設,撞擊頻率應該在45 ~ 40億年前趨緩,因為大部份的微行星(由太陽星雲形成的小型石質天體)逐漸被驅逐出內太陽系或被外行星吸收。
  11. The first three eons, which together lasted nearly 4 billion years, are grouped into a unit called the precambrian

  12. But almost all spiral galaxies are much older than 2 billion years

  13. The organisms living between 3 and 1 billion years ago were not as versatile as modern species, probably due to energy limitation.

  14. It is possible, for example, that a very large body in the asteroid belt broke apart about 3. 9 billion years ago and that the debris was swept toward the earth - moon system

    舉例來說, 39億年前可能有一個非常大的天體由小行星帶中分出,其遺屑向地月系統橫掃而來。
  15. Yet oxygen gas did not begin to accumulate in the atmosphere until about 2 billion years ago.

  16. Our solar system was formed 4. 6 billion years ago

    我們的太陽系被形成了4 . 6十億年前。
  17. The supernovae exploded between 3. 5 and 10 billion years ago

    超新星爆炸時間在35 - 100億年前。
  18. What prompted the leap in complexity starting 1. 5 billion years ago

  19. About 5 billion years ago

  20. About 13. 7 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe

    大約13 . 7十億年前巨大爆炸開始了宇宙的擴展。