books of sentences 中文意思是什麼

books of sentences 解釋
  1. My residence was more favorable, not only to thought, but to serious reading, than a university ; and though i was beyond the range of the ordinary circulating library, i had more than ever come within the influence of those books which circulate round the world, whose sentences were first written on bark, and are now merely copied from time to time on to linen paper

  2. Hopefully, it will also refer readers back to sir wilfred ' s two great books, and to sentences as lovely as this : “ memories of that first visit to the marshes have never left me : ( 8 ) firelight on a half - turned face, the crying of geese, duck flighting [ 16 ] in to feed, a boy ' s voice singing somewhere in the dark, canoes moving in procession down a waterway, the setting sun seen crimson through the smoke of burning reed - beds, narrow waterways that wound still deeper into the marshes

    但願這本傳記也能讓讀者重新想起威福瑞那兩本偉大著作,想起這些動人的語句: 「沼澤地的第一次旅行始終縈懷:映照在側頭而望的臉上的火光,群鵝的鳴叫,結對飛入覓食的鴨子,黑暗某處男孩的歌聲,順水而行的獨木舟,透過蘆葦墊燃燒發出的濃煙看到那緋紅的落日,狹窄的河道蜿蜒而入沼澤深處。 」
  3. While checking 《 anshun government record 》, based on the copy written in 1986 and another two copys written in xian feng 、 guang xu and a series of historical articles including many great books, i try my best to avoid making mistakes about words, sentences and pragraphs
