boom line 中文意思是什麼

boom line 解釋
  • boom : n 1 (雷、炮等的)隆隆聲,轟轟聲,(波浪的)澎湃聲;(鼓等的)咚咚聲;(蜂等的)嗡嗡聲;(鷺鷥等...
  • line : n 1 線;繩索;釣絲;測深度用繩,捲尺。 a fishing line 釣魚線。 be clever with rod and line 會釣魚...
  1. Nettled not a little by l. boom as it incorrectly stated and the line of bitched type, but tickled to death simultaneously by c. p. m coy and stephen dedalus, b. a., who were conspicuous, needless to say, by their total absence to say nothing of m intosh, l. boom pointed it out to his companion b. a., engaged in stifling another yawn, half nervousness, not forgetting the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints

    利布姆姑且照誤排的拼法以及整個一行排得一團糟的活字固然令人十分懊惱,同時查p .麥科伊和文學士斯蒂芬迪達勒斯正因為缺席,格外引人注目,這是用不著說的了穿膠布雨衣的人的事暫且不提。此事可把利布姆逗樂了,並指給那位文學士看,也沒忘記告訴他,報紙上經常出現的那些荒唐可笑的錯誤。