cairo 中文意思是什麼

cairo 解釋
n. 名詞 開羅〈埃及首都〉。

  1. But go a little way from france - go either to aleppo or cairo, or only to naples or rome, and you will see people passing by you in the streets - people erect, smiling, and fresh - colored, of whom asmodeus, if you were holding on by the skirt of his mantle, would say, that man was poisoned three weeks ago ; he will be a dead man in a month

    但離法國稍遠一點的地方,到阿萊普或開羅,或是只要到那不勒斯或羅馬,您在街上看到有一個人經過您的身旁時,那個人腰桿筆直,面帶微笑,膚色紅潤,可是,假如阿斯魔狄思猶太教中的魔王,有先見之明。譯注在您身邊的話,他就會說:那個人在三周以前中了毒,一個月之內就會死的。 」
  2. Now i can promise you, that a frenchman might show himself in public, either in tunis, constantinople, bagdad, or cairo, without being treated in that way.

    我向您保證,一個法國人不論到突尼西亞君士坦丁堡巴格達或開羅去,他盡可以在公眾場所露面,而他的周圍決不會有人圍觀的。 」
  3. As for me, " he added, with one of those singular smiles which did not escape the young man, " when i have completed my affairs in paris, i shall go and die in the east ; and should you wish to see me again, you must seek me at cairo, bagdad, or ispahan.

    至於我, 」青年看到他臉上又現出一個古怪的微笑, 「當我把巴黎的事情了結了以後,我就要去死在東方,假使您想再見到我,您就必須到開羅,巴格達,或是伊斯法罕來找我了。 」
  4. Most of our staff are based in cairo.

  5. We shall lose a fine opportunity if i put off to cairo.

  6. Here the issue rested till we returned to cairo.

  7. General stilwell had told roosevelt the brute fact at cairo.

  8. Agreement in cairo should be topped by an end to the oil embargo in riyadh.

  9. All question of soviet representatives coming to cairo was thus negatived.

  10. Such was the fragile state of italian affairs when i set out for cairo and teheran.

  11. The airport at cairo was blacked out when i arrived late tuesday, november 6.

  12. The politicians in cairo realised that the matter had gone beyond one of personal rivalries or ambitions.

  13. I had come to cairo hoping for a step forward in a strategy that had been inching ahead for four years.

  14. Every time he danced around and says, " dah s cairo !

    每一次,他跳起了舞,說道, 「開羅到啦! 」
  15. Rome is about equidistant from cairo and oslo

  16. Chicago is one of the biggest climbers in the rankings since 2005, rising to 41st from 52nd due to reduced crime rates, while cairo is one of the biggest fallers, sliding nine places to 131st out of 215 cities

  17. " under the contact signed last thursday in cairo by the ceo of dorad energy, reserve general oren shahor, emg will each year provide 100 million dollars worth of natural gas, for a period of 15 to 20 years, " said dorad spokesman ido tal on monday

    按照合同規定, emg方面將會在今後15年到20年的時間里,每年向我方提供價值1億美元的天然氣, 」多拉德公司的發言人伊多塔爾在11日表示。
  18. Unhcr goodwill ambassador adel imam with refugee children at an art exhibition in cairo, june 2005

  19. Versatile infielder nick green has played very well defensively, but miguel cairo ' s experience - - and his ability to back up at first base - - might give him the edge

  20. It will be a grand jamboree, the first of its kind since a summit in cairo seven years ago
